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Everything posted by henward

  1. i have a beardie just wondering though - in the wild these guys eat and live on all sorts of substrate, basically where ever there is free space. Babies will pounce on anything that moves. i dont think they are fussed. Interweb says that you should put this and that etc, but in the wild, no one looks after that,they jsut live. im sure they are not rfussed on sand, crushed rock, evens oil,real living grass, compost, and pebbles.
  2. tis either that tank is big, or this guy is a midget and is all an illusion:D nice tank though:D what fish is in that? id like one, what do they eat 8) geneva convetnion might restrict the ownership of such aquarium animals though... if i had a spare tank 960l i would put 4 silvers in there:D
  3. henward


    polyester wool , your a verage stuff, i put that under the bio media or above it, it seems to do the trick, water pressure is still strong as ever and polishes up nicely,i only have one thin layer, i dont get a problemwith clarity.
  4. henward


    yes you can beat it with a sump and overflow agreed, but i mena canister wise and that kinda volume, its pretty good but over flow is definatley the best way to go in terms of mass filtration. thats different though, not a canister:)
  5. henward


    oh and its way cheaper than eheim, bang for your buck you cant beat it
  6. henward


    no worrie at all i have one, mywater is so clear you would struggle to find particles even if you look close. the fluval fx5 is by far the highest output and best filter i have ever used. i find the pipes and clamps easy to manage, the extra water change clamp is good, i can change the water on my jardinii tank in 10 minutes, used to be 30 mins, 3000lph pumping out water out of your tank for waterchange is pretty fast. my eheim bio balls fits perfectly, no need for fine sponge, i dont use it at all, it cleans it dramatically. and looks cool, looks like a cryo-stasis chamber for an alien....ok too much star trek:P
  7. yeah that sounds like a good idea you can se f they challenge each other and see what happens.
  8. awhile ago, i kept two silvers in together, unfrtunatley if one is bigger, it will win, as i found out, the original territory holder usually wins first hand and bigger eventally wins if it lives to see another day - rule of animal domination i guess, home advantage. but, i was looking into this, i found out tat like discus fish, and cichlids, similar size yes is important, but more numbers than anything. in philippines, you will never see silver aros in massive tanks like yours with only two, always 3 or 4, i asked why. they said cos with 3 or 4, aggression is spread out. just like in discus and cichlid tanks. although this is sound theory, in that country the cost of silver aro is pocket change. here its a little more than that. so its a risk you have to take, if it doesnt work, you separate i guess or flog one off to a new home. they are hardy anyways, probably could take some fighting before you get serious problems, with yoru tank, they have the ends of the tank to get away. my two cents on past experiences. but two i dont think works that well... but you know, nothing works untill one tries
  9. agreed totally agreed, in fact, if you get a very veyr power ful pump, or ore 3 pumps, you can easily out filter 2 fx5s or one even.
  10. there are ways ot make the sound of water flowing down less noisy and sound like a waterfall. you might even dream that you are in a tahitian rainforest... but i dont know, the sound on mine isnt that loud but i wouldnt be able to sleep with it, im sensitive to that so cant gve advice. if thats the case, maybe 2x fx5 is the best way or 1 fx5 and 2 cheaper canisters. but equals to the same money anyways
  11. ok cool so the more the merrier. ok cool gotcha
  12. when getting discus, is it ok to get one big one and one small one and mix them? or will they fight? say one is baby 3 to 4 cm the other is 10 cm
  13. yes i did but over night, it ripped up my jardinii royal knife it was about 19 inches fromthe shop, i wanted my jardinii more and it was worth more so i returned the fish to the shop. dont have any room for it but i did have one briefly though, it was huge! so damn aggressive though
  14. all thos efish should be ok but in my experience, bad experience, clown knife when gets to 1 foot, will munt up your other fish, they are nasty! wow! but beautiful, i want one one day. personally i would put silver aro, jardinii or red arowana in your tank, and put 3 to 4 bichirs and a pleco. HFF mt roskill has some brilliant fancy plecs right now. silver aro would love that tank! and with that sump idea above, you would not have to change the water frequently the bio filtratoin would take care of it. dont feed aro oxheart buy from pak n save packet shrimp, 2 kilos for 8.99, so cheap!
  15. i have a 500+ litre tank, it was designed to keep fijian snapper by the guy that had it. had a over flow. your tank is huge, i would suggest an fx5 and an over flow. the overflow can provide such an IMMENSE! filtration and aeration. though some might say canisters are ok, i mean technically 2 fx5s would be extreme, that would turn over your tank 8 times per hour and filter cycle your tank 3.5 to 4 times per hour, thats more than enough, but if you put an over flow, you can put a tiny corner of your tank as over flow and would only take a few litres off it and is well worth the time. easier water changes, and so on. i would suggest one fx5. for the sump, any sump would do. go on "nzs premier auction site" and look for a 2 or 3 foot 100 to 150l tank, you can pick one up for 25 - 30 dollars. this would be sufficient. use this for your biological filtration tank. dont worry a bout having filter wool in there. this is what i do. in the tank i have 3 internals . fluval 4 x1 and jebo 4 series internal powerhead filter x2. and i have bio filter media in this sump, as well as my heater. you can literally fill up that tank half way with scoria, pummice, chipped driftwood and if you have the cash - buy some good bio media. the internals will pick up solids that go into there, and cleaning would be easy, you just pull it out of the sump. and filling up you just pour it onto the sump and the return pump will put it into the tank, less disturbance in your tank. in terms of return pump they are cheap and common, you dont hvae to have a huge one, though you can cos this will turn over the water sufficiently and provide more than adequate bio filtration. the fx5 (by the way is utterly brilliant i hvae one0 will pick up large and intank dirt and stuff, and filter further, also fill the centre bits of the fx5 with bio media. this keeps my water so clear, i have a jardinii, tyre track eel, albino bichir, 2 plecos in there, and i feed my jardinii lots, it will eat 2 to 5 shrimps a day plus the ox heart i throw into the tank for the others and 1 cube of blood worm per day. long email but just want4ed to highlight the advantages of a overflow and sump
  16. dont know how ot spell but i have 4 bunches in my tank its growing crazily long, should i cut it shorter? or just leave it
  17. i have dwarf gouramis and leopard ctenopoma in big 4 foot. its a very very deep one. lots of plants and two major caves. some clown loaches, peacock eel, 4 gold barbs, some mllies and swordtails. wanted to know if i could add some discuss, 2, 3? is it ok to mix with dwarf gouramis, they seem to be timid and peacful and slow.
  18. what is this? you get expensive ones, and cheap ones in trade me for CO2 diffusers? does this help plan growth? is it needed?
  19. been three days still floating, i tried very gently squeezing air out but no air came out any other ideas? i dont know what eles to do
  20. ill see in a couple of days god forbid its still ok ive grown very attached to these trange creatures! if not ill try something maybe it is air thats what i thought, perhaps it needed to literally pass wind. any other ideas?
  21. mygolden axolotl is swimming funny. i have had axo in the past and never hd or seen or heard of this. there is two in there, the other is acting completely normal the other one is swimming funny like its lost its balance and cant swim straight or land on the ground. its floating and tries to swim downward and cannot land on the ground. i cant see any swelling on its arse or its back legs seem to be able to move can someone help me please:(
  22. yeah, its not a dream , its only 1800 dollars. lets break that down:P 34 dollars per week you can get one lets say ... how much does a person love fish, thats the question. do you love it more htan ice cream, coke, ciggarettes, cookies. averagepack of cookies 4 dollars ciggies 23 for a 20 pack i think coke 2 dollars per bottle bottle of water you buy in petrol stations 3 to 4 dollars so average home buys 1.5 tub of ice cream.... 9 dollars see, savings are everywhree. 100 watt lightbulb on for 12 hours a day is 6 bux per month or so easily afford it, wether or not you wish to spend that much money on a fish.......when you can go to fiji for 8 or 10 nights...... my jardinii is with a tyre track eel, bichir, 2 plecos. dont harm them at all but, i had a giant gourami in there, it didnt like tha tone, i think it depends on the fish there is this theory that fish give off certain frequencies that dictates if they are the top dog, prey or not. and some fish are prey to others and some predators are prey to other predators. groud dwellers must give off a DONT TOUCH ME IM HARMLESS AND I CLEAN YOUR TANK frequency. for example when a aggressive cichlid goes in with a jardinii, instantly friction. either from both or from one
  23. look up great white shark in nationalgeographic.com
  24. of course they are large havent you seen jaws 1, 2 and 3?
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