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Everything posted by henward

  1. i really want to get into marine but i hear its difficult and requires alot of care shame:( maybe one day
  2. Hi guys just wondering. you get such diversity. just wanted to know, us fishkeepers/amphibian/reptile keepers. what makes you tick? i hear people keeping gouramis, killis and mosnters. just wondering, what are your reasons for keeping certain types of fish? what is it bout that type of fish that makes you tick? ill start... i am a MFK/weird oddball fish keeper. i like fish that are predatory, i liek to watch them hunt and eat, even frozen food, if i like how they eat then i like the fish. such as the puffers, reptiles, arowanas, pacus and axolotls.
  3. superbly i have a fluval 204 in that tank you had so plenty of filtration i love it its hard to resist feeding it every care sheet and forum says i must feed it as it is mature only once every 3 to 4 days. so thats whati have been doing so far. feeding it shelled prawns soon ill try crab legs and shellfish but i want to feed it lots, its relaly fun feeding it:D but i have to resist new found love for puffers, i have already started my search for a FAHAKA puffer:) tank is ready and all
  4. that freshwater ray would be mean. i went to singapore very common there, they are so cool but i would love a school of piranhas or aripaima gigas in a massive outdoor pond:D alligator gar also would be nice. but i love the arowanas, i would love a red, gold, red tail any of the more rare arowanas would be great!
  5. Any one here have had actual experience putting a jardinii or arowana with a clown knife? also a big clown knife? any feedback on that? i just bought a big clown knife its over a foot long my jardinii is just under a foot long the jardinii is eating heaps! i mean heaps! i havent seen it eat like that untill i put this clown knife in there. the clown knife sits on the left side of the tank, minding its own business just likeit was in the pet store. But when the jardinii gets too close or too curious, it chases it away or tries to have a nip at it to get it away. this is apprently normal according to other websites, in fact all wbsites but anyone know of actual experience iwth this? anything to look out for?
  6. hi guys newly acquired jardinii. i have owned arowanas in the past, generally very accepting of food. this jardinii is a little strange, some days it will munch raw shrimp, some days it will relish ox heart. but some days, it will take a bit, and drop it or chase it and then when its close, swim away. the fish si active and chases food and comes up to the tank when you are dropping food. but pretty random in terms of acceptance of food. i want it to be generally accepting of beef heart or shrimp. what do you think i shoudl do? starve it untill it eats that readily? or jsut feed it what it wants to eat? variety is after all the spice of life
  7. hey guyswhat do you feed yours? you see mine i just got used and was eating frozen raw shrimps, average shrimp it ate that for a couple of days, i tried it on a slither of ox heart after that, it doesnt really like the shrimp anymore what do you guys feed yours?
  8. beautiful reef tank id love one but for now i will stick to fresh water. reefs are alot of work compared to freshwater
  9. yeah you get good advice from here, lots of experience as a whole i just bought a jardinii few days ago really nice fish but im on the look out for exotics always how long you had this beauty?
  10. lol cool ! well ill be seeing you soon to get it:) give me a text arrange pick up! im excited for them in philippines where im from there are two more i think or a few more we can get, fresh water borderline brackish. i wanted a humpback bit its in CHCH he didnt want to trade it for shipment:( so when i saw this one i was keen! watching them eat is a real treat! so interesting
  11. quite a rarity, does anyone have any here? experiences?
  12. Just wondering, if anyone has or had one do you suggest planting the tank? or keep it bare. some websites, alot of them recommend asian arowans and the scleropages range should have no wood or plants? sounds silly to me, but i guess if they thrash around hunting they might injure themselves on wood but plants?
  13. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 094677.htm any one used these before, do they work? how long do they last? do they actually remove ammonia? any side effects of using them? looks pretty cool if it works,
  14. i used to have massive pythons in philippines where i am from, in fact they were 8 foot long. ne advice. STRONG CAGE! they will wriggle through and destroy even sof gauge metal mesh. They would hurt themselves, but its no different to them wriggling thrugh throny vines in the wild of they need to. also,if you want them aggressive, feed them wild chickens and rabgits nd animals, that makes them grow faster apparently, and its cook to watch. apart from that generally the ones you buy fom pet stores or avail publicly are people friendly - not too aggressive.
  15. no good, i have had extensive experiences with arowans in phililppines, from reds, golds, mixes and silvers in philippines silvers arowanas are 1-5 dollars nz dollars...funny huh cos we pay 130 for it here MINIMUM!! anwyays, i have had 3 aroawns in the past, two grew to huge size, but tank too small and filter not enough, not im bout to set up another wtih a huge tank and a good filter, should be ok, i hope:) and mixing it with lung fish too to grow together what i find is that, when the arowana gets big, they tend to slow down in small tanks, but in big tanks i dont know, i asked breede3rs and experts over seas in overseas forums, and giving lots of current to begin with is apprently really really really good, cos they excercise, once tehy are 15cms and above, current is good, they get stronger, and arowans ph is very tolerant anyways, supposedly. so sorry bout the loss, there is a huge anger that is manifested when a big and old fish dies
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