no good, i have had extensive experiences with arowans in phililppines, from reds, golds, mixes and silvers in philippines silvers arowanas are 1-5 dollars nz dollars...funny huh cos we pay 130 for it here MINIMUM!!
i have had 3 aroawns in the past, two grew to huge size, but tank too small and filter not enough, not im bout to set up another wtih a huge tank and a good filter, should be ok, i hope:) and mixing it with lung fish too to grow together
what i find is that, when the arowana gets big, they tend to slow down in small tanks, but in big tanks i dont know, i asked breede3rs and experts over seas in overseas forums, and giving lots of current to begin with is apprently really really really good, cos they excercise, once tehy are 15cms and above, current is good, they get stronger, and arowans ph is very tolerant anyways, supposedly.
so sorry bout the loss, there is a huge anger that is manifested when a big and old fish dies