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Everything posted by henward

  1. Spiny, Tire Track, fire eels can you mix all of them? can you mix them wiht normal NZ freshwater eels you get in western springs etc?
  2. just wanted some feedback, google says its bigger, ithought they were dwarf.... i have recently grown in love with puffers:D wonderful odd things. just wanted to know if anyone else had knowlege of them. do you know how much they would be ikn pet stores, when they are in pet stores, i know its hard to come by them figure 8s are the common ones
  3. yeah thats where im lookin so it says in aquaria its smaller. i assume you can maximise its size and potential by making water brackish, not freshwater ? is there any other green spotted puffersthat are smaller?
  4. want to know how biig it gets thanks
  5. Tetraodon nigroviridis this above is the only spotted or green spotted puffer that i can find on the net. everything else that has spots are marine. it says, on every site that this fish grows to up to 5to 7 inches. feedback please:D sorry forreplying on my own topics
  6. green spotted puffer/ anyone with experience/ size? and any variation of this? or is there only one spotted or green spotted puffer?
  7. or do they get biger if you put them in brackish?
  8. the reason is th tim buying one on the internet, there is only one green spot puffer, aka spotted puffer. this is apparently 10 to 12 cms long which is 5 to 6 inches full length. how long does it take to grow to this size? or can it be anotehr puffer. some people perhaps say that green spotteds are ony 2.5 to 3 inches in max length, hence anyone who knows
  9. Hithere anyone who has experience with this fish.. how big? and how much do pet shops usually sellfor?
  10. what a beauty! looks weird:D
  11. i compltely agree i hve hda a silver and no food for actually more than 5 days and they are fine. but,dont risk that what you can do is feed them lots the 2 days efore you go, arowana feet ox heart, something that lasts long in the belly. and feed everything else. the night befor eyou go, do a 50% water change. then dup 20-30 guppies or gold fish in there. shouldlast them 5 to 6 days:D its like a buffet or a baby sitter but the baby sitter gets eaten.... like a horror movie
  12. hi there anyone know what kinda snails these puffers can eat. obviously not garden variety:) but you know, apple snails, ramshorn? etc
  13. yo david yeah fair enough no no, i have gotten rid of the fluval 4, its not in a parrot tank i have now switched over a fluval 204 for its tank. to give it pleny of biological filtration as well as mechanical. its now one of my prized possesion:) very rare indeed! so i have put in a 204 to really suck it up, i found that the flual 4 didnt clear up the water as much as the 204
  14. caper, its a jardinii eating a prawn
  15. thats details i will use that is my encyclopedia;0
  16. sorry dont know how lol yeah te puffer is settling in very well its always hungry, the bump in its belly goes away rapidly! always wants to eat but weary as all care sheets and info i find on it says that not to feed it daily every 3 to 4 days is a good time though is tempting to fatten it up i doubt its healthy for it.
  17. hi there experienced freshwater and reptile keeper but not marine i want to get into it first by getting brackish puffers then getting a full on marine tank just wondering how do you measure salinity, what is the term also, for a full marine tank, what is the salinity reading that it should be and for brackish, what is the salinity reading.. thanks id like to get into marine asap
  18. not sure but i assume would be similar 1500 he says all low rade is similar pricing
  19. well i just met a dude i bought a fish from he has a 4000 grade 1 red and a 6000 grade 1 gold he imports himself he has a friendworking for maf and he has connections in singapore he sells the same fish that apparently red aros fish shops have for 1500. can get gree arowana too
  20. paranoid now:P i have tried different fish to mix with jardiniiand its either the jardini attacks or it gets attacked. something safe and i have mixed with a silver aro before, but wanting to make sure if anyone has any negative feedback at all. clown loaches... simple non aggressive fish and kinda cool. does this pose any threat to a jardinii... i do not think so personlly, but just making sure.
  21. just a thought though cos its rather dark and bronze ish.... but i doubt someonewoud make a mistake importing a more expensive aro in and seling it for a cheaper species:D
  22. the picture of the formosus is LITERALLY like mine. if you put mine beside that photo its exactly alike...... and the jardinii picture is nothing like it at all. even the head shape is different. check out my pics above that i posted
  23. i dont know what fish i have so please let me know for sure from the photo i have sen jardinii before, pet shops, adult photos etc. mine resembles more of the formosus, whcih is unlikely http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebInde ... iforms.htm on that website aboe you will see formosus and jardinii. my one is nothing like the jardinii, in fact it looks exactly in colour like that one formous picture above. my arowana is dark dark copper shiny, with a hint of black, not grey or white ish. it has no red spots on the body, but the tail is about 50% red with black veins. jsut curious as all the jardiniis description i have hear is nothing like mine
  24. yeah have been looking at that for a while really keen on saltwater. ill start enquiring on it
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