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Everything posted by henward

  1. yes itis you can leave the axolotls in there wiht a internal for agees with out water changes they are actually ver hardy i have had axolotles, bought and sold, i dnt change it frequently at all, so long you hvae a good filter, maybe some plants. axolotls are one of the creatures only creatures that can shrink when not fed and fatten up again with out stunting growth, they hvae extreme regeneration capailities. some documentation say that axolotls can go 6 months with out any food at all, an adult shrinkin to half its size to feed it self, and when fed gain growing uickly to full size over a cdouple of months. but, filter would save you hassles definately. but its not a must, if you change the water ever week, filter wont do much.
  2. i will have one one day one day!!!!!
  3. i would put only one fish just one fish at most two but generally just one fish
  4. yeah definatley live rock sorry didnt mention that i will have that no problems no skimmer probably ill go for and try that seehow i go
  5. it was a red said something bout moving over seas not sure anymore but it was definatley cheap sold pretty quickly
  6. ok, i have a 4 foot tank. i was saving it for a fahaka puffer. Just found out that they are not not on the permited list anymore due to its enormous size and ability to munch stuff...hence why i wanted it. i have the 4 foot, with nothing in it. just wondering what i can put. considered frshwater fish but there isnt really anything suitable. I wanted a silver aro, but its too small for it. this tank has no over flow, i have a suitabl filter, 1200lph hour suitable for a 400 litre tank on it, which should be more than enough its only a 300litre or so just wondering, MARINE: with no over flow or protein skimmer, just a canister, cann i get away with a marine tank. no fancy corals and stuff. just the rocks and a fish, one fish maybe two depends. thinking a salt water puffer.or a trigger fish. just one fish, marine, lots of rocks, no over flow, canister filter. posible i can add a few more internals, maybe even two or 3 more intrnals in there.
  7. !!!!!!!!! i put my name down for immediate purchase of a FAHAKA found out that its been removed from the MAF permitted list11 been saving a tank up for it
  8. it was gone quickly it was in chch i had a think bou tit, and came back one hour later, it was sold it was cheap, hesitation was the problem:D
  9. yeah, too rich for me! cant afford it right now.... or for awhile one day , i will have one, one day i saw one on trademe for 800! i shouldve got it, red one too. es jansens one im full capacity right now lol
  10. i certainly do they are the laziest things, my one doesnt even want to chase dead food:P but the are cute and my girlfriend likes him/her so yeah
  11. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 407107.htm this is actually gold, dont know why he put red but i have seen thsi fish! wow! cheap too jsut to let everyone here know. this used to be 3k from jansens, but jansens couldnt sell for that price so sold it with a package and the tank really really nice fish and HUGE! i want it!! its good to see these kinda fish for sale regularly
  12. the pufferforum all of them basically voted its a Tetraodon turgidus http://www.pufferlist.com/puffer/freshp ... ?puffid=19 this looks exactly like it even has the distinct huge dots both sides close to its tail colouration is almost identical if not so
  13. http://www.pufferlist.com/puffer/freshp ... ?puffid=19 Tetraodon turgidus if i could say, it looks almost if not identical to this one definately when i saw the dots close to tail, it was that. cant miss it,
  14. its closer to the picture on the right than the left, but the blotches of spots are bigger on mine and more pronounced, the spot close to its tail is very very dstinct. i m ean you cant miss it'
  15. i have gone there but i want ot make sure i jsut noticed after it started swimming. there is a distinctive round dot urrounded by smaller round do closeto its tail, didnt notice it before, but its distinct and definatley bigger than and set apart from the other dots. close to its tail
  16. http://www.pufferlist.com/puffer/freshp ... ?puffid=19 is it this?
  17. but you can get the idea its clear enough to see the fish sorry crap camera
  18. actually, not sure what it is, but please someone help me identiy, i am not unsure the picturers onthe net of a LORTETI s much differnt to this as you can see, gren base with black spots the eye is black with a red rim its currently about 2.5 inches green spottedpuffers do not seem to have red eye rims i need help!!
  19. I got this puffer, thought it was gsp, but actually apparently RED EYE PUFFER.... its greenish spotted with red eyes he says its a lorteti feedback please thanks
  20. fantastic! sounds great looking forward to getting them ramshorn snails are ok to feed them? these things are tiny and they can easily chew through that. cos i read that they need to be fed shelled things i currently have a pig nose pufer. i feed ti shelled prawns regularly, i see its mouth open and the beak doesnt seem to be over growing. if i feed GSP regularly with shelled shrimp, does thsi help or does it have to be something extremely hard like snail shells or mussels shell type things?
  21. wahts your opionion it has been in freshwater for at least a year. will this be an issue? if i put it back slowly to brackish - has this stunted its growth forever? or will it recover from that and grow more?
  22. I am obtaining a beautiful green spot puffer., the person has trained it into adulthood to freshwater. I have read that they do best and been told they do best in full salt or brackish when adults. It has been in fresh for more than a year, its about 2 years old. i would like to make it brackish or full salt. 1: is this a good idea? 2; how do i do it? 3: will it make the animal reach its bigger potential, its currently 2.5 inches but they can grow up to 5 or 6 inches in the wild. i dont have much salt water experience you see:) but want to know if there is benefit on re training it for brackish or saltwater as an adult...... let me know how thanks
  23. i did bought a jardinii for 500 its probably the most expensive fish i have bought so i was abit paranoid over it and make sure i take care of it hence the fluval it was abit expensive but i guess its worth it, its really good
  24. foot and mouth disease... after saying that cheap ching brands are jsut as good my cheap ones oring decides to not hold water during a power cut i just lost my entire sumps water. 120 litres on the floor:P so i just got myself a FLUVAL FX5... my god! that thing sucks like a...... oki wont go on bt you know what i mean:P massive suction and flowrate! cant risk expensive fish for price of filter i guess 485 for a fx5.. not bad
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