ok, i have a 4 foot tank. i was saving it for a fahaka puffer. Just found out that they are not not on the permited list anymore due to its enormous size and ability to munch stuff...hence why i wanted it.
i have the 4 foot, with nothing in it. just wondering what i can put. considered frshwater fish but there isnt really anything suitable. I wanted a silver aro, but its too small for it.
this tank has no over flow, i have a suitabl filter, 1200lph hour suitable for a 400 litre tank on it, which should be more than enough its only a 300litre or so
just wondering,
with no over flow or protein skimmer, just a canister, cann i get away with a marine tank.
no fancy corals and stuff. just the rocks and a fish, one fish maybe two depends.
thinking a salt water puffer.or a trigger fish.
just one fish, marine, lots of rocks, no over flow, canister filter. posible i can add a few more internals, maybe even two or 3 more intrnals in there.