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Everything posted by henward

  1. ok fair dinkum.. just so expensive!! little tub for 15 bux theres gotta be a way to go around that
  2. lets forget about the plants but do you think they can live iwth a jar? i see on you tube, lots of aros living with jars red aros are very aggressive too probably more so than jars? some would say anyways
  3. you can never have too much i guess i was thinking filling, or alms tfilling u my sump with this stuff so i can generally reduce water changes and put a large safety margin when i go away for a month
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKywRPzZScc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXu6NGdufdY all with flagtails
  5. hence why i am asking cos i am abit weary but i really want to put fish with the jar its too empty
  6. but the more you put in together, the less likely that is i was thinking of putting three 1 flagtail and 2 either silver dollar, ruby sharks, tinfoil barb or one oscar and one tinfoil barb. ori can even go as far as putting in silver dollars or six ruby sharks something like that fast swimmers
  7. mine is in the garage, the garage gets hit by sun all day. you can actually feel the heat from the garage door like a radiant heater. it heats my tanks up to a nice 24 to 25 all the time, even in winter. during winter, heaters turn on more but summer or autumn or sometimes even during winter, i hardly ever see the heaters on. when you change water, it does but after a few hours it is off again. if your ambiet temp is warm, then your tank will be warm. the filter constantly going would probably be the main user in a freshwater tank. its on all day all night and its about 40-70 watts depending on how big the motor is on a canister. thats like a lightbub on all the time a light bulb i think fr 8 hours a day on, 60w, costs 4 or 5 dolalrs a month on the top of my head
  8. someone mentioned instead of using ceramic noodles or retail expensive bio balls and eheim stuff, use scoria. i have never used, in theiry it will be suitable, they are pourous,they sink and lots of surface area. has anyone tried it? do they change the colour and PH of the water, hardness and things like that?
  9. lets make this easier lets say i remove plants:D what can i put in flagtail prohilodus? tifoil barbs/ ruby sharks? silver dollars? oscar?
  10. any one know if a FLAGTAIL PROCHILODUS eats plants? you thnk i can put that in a jar tank? they look robust and very fast! can anyone tell me about them fom previous experience and of sorts?
  11. well its opinion right i didnt say that they are not nice because they eat other animals you are taking what i personally find interesting and that is the predatory instincts and using it as part of your arguament. i find macaws very nice, they dont eat other birds... or do they? they dont eat rodents and dogs? do they? i also like discus fish, they dont eat other animals. i love large birds like ostriches, they dont eat other animals. what im trying ot say, is MY OPINION. the arguament here is that we are saying we shouldnt take the risk, that is fair enough with the example of Possums etc snakes, yes there are snakes that live in icy conditions and can live sub zero, i know that. a licensing system sounds like a good plan, but as you said, smuggling is where it all started anyways. but for the risk, some will say its worth it, some say its not. but the point im trying to make originally, is that All countries, especially in NZ that i noticed the most - stake claim to having the biggest, brightest, biggest, coolest of things in the world all the time. but unfortunately its unfounded. hence my example of the animals. but i can go on about other things that are not in the animal kingdom, but i guess this is a animal forum so i just gave examples about animals. you might feel that nz animals are really cool i think some are, but i dont for most of them thats my opinion i also like indian and thai curries......... you might not, its ok but i like it, thats how i feel. well, perhaps you can be the leftist socialist emotion and think police.... thats fine.....
  12. it is abit weird but weird isnt bad watching a fish eat another fish - nature watching a lion hunt down a gazelle in a safari...weird? one of the biggest nature industries so weird might be a wrong term... non mainstream thats beter:D
  13. for your comment that i need context. context is different to opinion. i agree that if snakes come here. it will kill everything IF THEY SURVIVE. see, i actually put two arguaments to one. so i dont know what you are trying to imply witht he extending arms and finger thing. i find that to be pointless.
  14. thats true wher eyou are is relative here, freshwater puffers, beardies and uguanas are rare hence we sought them highly it is just a matter of opnion i was expressing unless your opinion is now gospel, then i will apologise, bend over and put my mouth around my as s and say sorry but this is my opinion, nz geckos fetch thousands over seas because its rare there, here its not that rare. but i guess i keep animals for different reasons to some or most even if i was in asia or africa, there are animals i wouldnt keep even if it was rare here to begin with. all i said that - and this cannot be disputed the danger of arowanas taking over our water ways is highly unlikely in fact the chances are nil. i expressed opinion that kiwi birds are boring. Thats my opnion. I think they are boring. i rather have monster birds in my backyard so to speak. emus and stuff. thats my opnion. so i see your point. but i think your aggression is highly unfounded, and i should ask you to calm down. one person saying "nz has one of the most beautiful animals in the world" is conjecture and here say - has that person seen amazonian or other exotic animals face to face? condors? giant eagles? jsut to set examples.... probably not... its opinion
  15. well if you hvent set one up, how can anyone expect for you to really know so its ok but in my opinion, just do this imagine your canister filter make one thats bigger, thats a sump in essence, the sump is just a canister filter but in a larger grander scale you have your bio media wool pump etc
  16. ok, still thinkin what can i put in here barbs, tinfoil barbs, rainbow shark oscar? will oscar eat or destroy plants, i hear they might anything else?
  17. yes please my email is attache, please send mepics but 7k wow i cant do that thats a massive holiday or a car or a engne management computer and a new turbo and manifolds for a sports car:D thats alot of money, if i had it iprobably would though but 7k, it makes me sad cos those fish cost 1400 or less in asia why is it that the quarantine cost is more for better grades, its the same fish just different colour! but i fyou have cheaper ones, i would be considerinng it send me pics anyways i wanna see:D!
  18. if you are doing 50 to 60% changes then i agree, blending temps is better, though some fish like aros, perhaps oscars and pacus, big monsters, i dont think its crucial, but for smaller less resilient fish, i think it would. but water fluctuation is natural in all habitats, but how great the fluctuation is depends on the habitat, and remember, in the wild, lets say small guppies , the water temp will change dramatically, probably 20% of the fish population of species will die, but the other 80% is stronger and will breed stronger ones, natural selection:D but blending sounds good, where do you get fixtures to put on normal unthreaded tap heads?
  19. im sorry to have to say this as most newzealanders would frown upon this but probably alot of people that are not from here or are well travelled would agree.. nz has the "we have the biggest and best in the world' syndrome. Sylvia park, biggest movies my ar se albany mall supposedly is biggest in southern hemisphere..yeah right nz has the most violent crime stats etc per capita yeah right stuff like this nz does not have the most beautful animals in the world, watch discovery, you will see our animals are actually 99% UGLY, no ofence to anyone who loves them. Amazon would have one of the best selection. The kiwi bird is dull, boring and uninteresting. The moa would havebeen great! but a certain people ate them to death! the eggs for that matter! IM SORRY BUT I MUST AGREE. Nz does not have the nicest animals. the birds are not very colourful, parrots are boring. though you get the odd interesting animal. but no scorpions, tarantulas, snakes.... but in saying that you have to be partially greatful, no snakes for poison, spiders, scorpions can be an upside. i think nz MAF just likes to make money, i mean the cost of red arowana for example and those exotic aros, its so much, they dont carry disease we know that, they are farm bred, we know that, but so they can make more money, they charge ridiculous amounts, COS THEY CAN. if a red aro escapes into a river here, it would die very rapidly, even in the hottest of summer, itr wouldnt live long enough to eat anything or breed for that matter. some parts of the rivers these are from goes up to 30 degrees in temp, nz would never reach that, if it does, not for long. even snakes would die here, perhaps spiders and arachnids would survive in nz wether, but even that, is unlikely. if a tarantula escapes, im sure a kiwi bird would have a nice protein filled meal that night.
  20. yeah true although i think our native animals are really really boring but some of them are really cool, like tuatara wetas, kiwis and stuff. but snakes are cool the thing is tha tmost snakes will die in nz winter anyways it stoo cold here
  21. actually, bearded dragons with no legs look like retarded spiky creature fom the ocean my opinion:D yeah went to melbourne and these are what was for sale; bird eating spider (dinner plate size) $40 Bearded dragons, 30$ Blue tongues 20$ Scorpion 40$ jardinii 200 all sorts of fish but actually i ddint notice that much different fish there frogs, geckos, lizards to high heaven and back, snakes everywhere big ones for a few hundred around 400 to 800 baby pencil size snakes from 50$ wicked im moving there in a few years:d
  22. yes, they were live but after a few times we decided to feed them just dead food literealy just frozen chicken drumstick or frozen rats
  23. if there were snakes legally in nz, i would have....10 i used to own two pythons in philippines. it was kept in a modified pig cage. male and female, never bred, but sold it to someone that bred it. i dont quite remember, as the snakes there are usually mislabelled, but it was more than 5 foot long ate whole adult chickens wiht ease it was wicked!
  24. feed them meat people always say some fish arevegetarian i reckon you can train any fish to be a meat eater pacus peoplesay nd silver dollars are meat eaters, i used to have some that would ravage shrimp and ox heart feed it shrimp or beef. mince it and feed them. put lot sof plants and change water regularly. i guarantee if they start eating beef they will grow fast
  25. mmm, actually i read somewhere brocolli isnt the best for beardies. spinach is also not good. beardies will each insects laced with cyanide - the thing with them is that they jsut eat whats food to them.
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