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Everything posted by henward

  1. interesting i revversed the flow of my tank from counter clockwaise to clockwise. usually the fish goes with the flow, as i change it, it completely changes flow with the water.... funny! mybe not so funny, i thought id mention it
  2. interesting fish it doesnt seem to swallow elets and plants it seems to suck on them, using its loose lips and suck on the food funny thing, silly annimal
  3. not as fancy as some ihave seen here. some of the pics here i have seen has some prety cool plants http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u77/ ... G_1369.jpg http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u77/ ... G_1370.jpg http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u77/ ... G_1371.jpg Image Tags Removed... Pics too large Please adjust before reposting. See NZ Website Section For Details,. PhotoBucket can do this automatically... just set it up. Mod Bill.
  4. hapily sucking on the gravel http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u77/ ... G_1358.jpg http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u77/ ... G_1375.jpg http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u77/ ... G_1368.jpg Again your pics are too large. Image tags removed. Please resize .. (see your other post for details). Mod Bill.
  5. tank is 6ft by 55 cm by 55cm its in the garage one, mark was supposed to take it but i had a change of heart and re purchased it again:D has an over flow its not toooo big but big enough for now, the fish is about 12 inches max i think,hard to measure they never sty still:D but i dont think its currently more than 12 inches. i will upgrade to a bigger tank next year, probalby longer and wider and higher, generally bigger. but thtas next year when the fish reaches critical mass mark: so you got 3 aros now? one jar and two silvers? jar in its own tank and two aros together getting along?
  6. yeah, thats fair. yeah keeping my eye on them always open to sourness:D will take picstoo asap the jar is rather big! over a foot, just over.
  7. success! tried tinfoil barbs. not harmed, then now i have a flagtail prochilodus! cool fish. funny mouth is entertaining:) the jar can sometimes wanna chase but seems too lazy. they tend to get out of its way urgently when it gets close, but the jar doesnt pursue just minds it own business. probably cos it knows its the king. g gourami didnt suit cos the are not fast and have a seemingly mutated body, tinfoils and flagtail are really streamline fast swimmers and can out maneuver the jar very easily. and, tinfoi and flagtail doesnt eat the plants, bonus! barb eat prawns and pellets, flagtail eating with in minutes of introduction, pellets sunken and licking and sucking the wall algae:D they are schooling like they are the same fish! kinda cool, they follow each other, one would lead then they would swap the lead etc. they thinkthey are the same fish. trial and error i guess worked out!
  8. it seems the mekong river pulls up monstrosity after mosntrosities! beautiful ones! oxymoron yes but its true. if you are lucky enought o ever see a freshwater ray, its so nice! where i was from, they are common and the rare ones fetch for high prices. some breed them! can you believe that! its not easy but they do. they do well with aros, arapaimas, gars etc.i have seen 4 different types i think, or 3 perhaps, whitish with bluish spots, dark purple ish colour with spots and another one with red ish colour. but i think there are more of them
  9. insurance should cover cleaning and the tank i mean you did drop a rock through it right?? right?? its accidental right?? so its completely accidental, i mean while you were cleaning it you droped a big rock which caused the tank right?
  10. if you are able to find other frogs in nz that i can buy apart from the common ones give me a buzz i will be keen
  11. theres two in auckland anyways one mount roskil one in albany albany is reserved:D
  12. yeah man, it looks mean!
  13. ok, i have a self control problem i bought two tinfoils for my jardinii tank jar chased itfor 30 mins, and now it seems that it doesnt care for them anymore too fast i think but still observing, if they are ok, then i will put flagtail:D nothing ventured nothing gained i guess
  14. or maybe put more ventilation at thetop of the tank for the heat to escape. try this , it will cst 7 dollars but might work buy another timer make it so the heat bulb turns on for 1 hour, off for 1 hour. then the fluoro tube can be on for 8hours that will simulate clouds and take off some heat, and perhaps put less total basking time. or to make it easier and less fancy, just put it for less basking bulb on time. and mist the tank with tap water, help cool it down
  15. in saying that though i have decided not to get it shame, so nice though 100 bux is too much for the jar to have for dinner:D
  16. another thing give him hugs! sometimes they need it ok maybe not 8)
  17. if you can you should they are realy nice it also look awesome looks like a cryo stasis chamber from a sci fi movie (cough, geek to much star trek cough) yes............................... but it looks cool and no denying when you see one in front of you, there is no arguament that this is a machine that really pumps the shiz out of stuff ;d
  18. i did not know they like to suck on bichirs..... indeed a rare one wiht a rare fetish.. yes, thats correct, jars can maul a rare one to a common one i will make sure i watch it with care though, ill sacrifice my plants i dont mind i was reading this article over seas and they had one in a heavily planted tank - pprently if fed very well, they wont eat plants. but if not, they will eat algae, plants and stuff in the gravel and sand... interesting. ill pobalby give it a go tommorow and buy two others with it. i just dont know what yet, but something fast swimming, maybe silver sharks or something. see how i go. if not, ill find a home for it in my set up with the discuss - i read a few articles that they make good tank mates with discuss fish and generally a good community tank. oh, borneo tigers are good but i dont know where to get bigger ones
  19. i mean if someone has tried it and actualy seen wha thappened
  20. yeah, i guess so guess, i wanted someone to tell me that they have tried it i went to othre forums in uk and stuff some mix them together, one has siler dollars and barbs and flagtails they say its fine with that many plants will be eaten though,
  21. ii am a gambler:P yeah, i wil get tinbarbs but i really want one of these if it doesnt work out, ill transfer it to another tank:D maybe sell it on here, they are rather rare
  22. yeah no it shoudlnt be a problem will sitll do water chnges definately but for a month i wont plants help break down nitrates though right or is that nitrites? cos isnt it that plants absorb nitrates?
  23. unless your house is cold no need for nightt heating just day heating, perhaps put rocks around the basking spot it will absorb heat and take the lizard through the night and provide some heat too! so ceramic or infrared red light heat bulb snt needed.
  24. i had the same problem read everything but nothing prevailed untill i tried one thing well, it worked anwyays. i found him hiding and couldnt find him, would eat ut not much strangely enough. during winter, i thought it was too cold so i bought two ulbs, 100w each. bought the temp from a 21 to22 o about 25 to 27 and basking spot two places was alot higher of course. i found that he hid most of the time. it was too hot!!!! in the peak of winter, he didnt eat much it was too cold, so i increased it, but it was warming up and got too hot, i removed second bulb and he came out literally two days or less later. maybe the tank is too hot, how do you keep the tank 'warmer' at night? cos i found that, in the australian desert and stuff, where they are, it isnt 25 to 26 at night, it goes down way lower than that, so naturally i guess their body is accustomed to fluctuation in temp i guess. well this worked fo rme. perhaps trying to lessen heat?
  25. yes, it is, so let stop circle generally has no ends
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