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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again - Usher & Pitbull
  2. Drop it Like it's hot - Snoop Dogg & Pharrel
  3. Like a Prayer - Madonna :facepalm:
  4. :facepalm: no offence Jaxx but that has to be the most confusing thing I have ever attempted to read.
  5. Prayer of the Refugee - Rise Against
  6. You tell me, it was in the article you supplied :slfg:
  7. I have also read that if you are dosing excel to kill algae in a non planted aquarium you should dilute it. Not sure why but that is what it said :dunno:
  8. :rotf: I know what you mean Aaron. I regret selling all of my corys as they would really come in handy lately the way they stir up all the pleco poo on the substrate and the filter picks it up from the water column
  9. nudge, did you turn your filter and airstone off after you dosed excel for a few hours? Also I have heard that some people have no luck using excel on BBA so it could still be BBA.
  10. All good dude, I know how much a new baby costs :slfg:
  11. Don't think it's a dry start now simwiz.
  12. Battle of John and Yoko - Beatles
  13. Way of the Fist - Five Finger Death Punch
  14. Remove the parents now? They might be wanting to start breeding again?
  15. :smot: but what did they expect, even the adds they ran on TV advertised the stuff they're being prosecuted for.
  16. Still got more coming, Red Tiger Lotus, Java Philippine, Java Windelov, Java Narrow Leaf, Jave Needle Leaf, Anubias Minima, Anubias Nana Petite, Anubias Nana Barteri, Rotala Macrandra and Echinodorus Leopard - these should arrive tomorrow. I have quite abit of windelov and narrow leaf that I've been growing in another tank still to put in as well. Going to run out of room soon I think :slfg: Great excuse for an even bigger tank I say!
  17. I'm selling a nearly brand new light on TM at the moment, I will sell it to you guys for $90 if you's buy it this week.
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