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Everything posted by disgustipated

  1. inb4 bon jovi.... the prayer - DMX
  2. battle scars - the chemical brothers
  3. boiling point is 100 degrees... it would be rotten before it was cooked in any way... in saying that i wouldnt even feed my fish rotten food. fish in the wild can eat stuff that makes them sick. i'd prefer not to risk it with my babies... 8)
  4. if over feeding is not an issue to you, maybe that is because you're not actually overfeeding? makes sense...
  5. because naturally fish can't cook... i mean, they don't even have kitchens. therefore in their natural habitat they would never eat cooked food, unless offered to them by humans. not saying it's harmful, just sayin'... keep it natural.
  6. don't feed them any cooked foods, meat with fat in it, or liver. i don't think raw chicken would be very good either with everything it carries... (correct me if i'm wrong) no citrus. stick to veges, not fruit. avoid feeder fish especially if caught in the wild or if you don't know whether they are disease free. most of all - do not over feed! most cichlids are greedy and given the chance will eat way more then they need! 8)
  7. this room has come available for rent once again. so hard to find good flatmates... :-?
  8. your parents called you doddle sixty nine? must have made for some serious mental issues when you found out what sixty nine really meant... 8)
  9. i hand feed my BGK and he's over 45cm now, which makes his mouth HUGE. but he is always very polite and careful not to mistake my finger for food. he did once and it wasn't really that bad. i could see he felt guilty too. 8)
  10. jump in the fire - metallica
  11. unable to pass disgust...? it's a song by TOOL. i like it because it's kinda scary looking and weird. i like looking "scary", i dress in black, wear leather studded wristbands, cannibal corpse t shirts, i have dreadlocks... it's all an image with the intent to deceive - you see, i am actually a really nice guy, polite and pleasant. but i don't want that to be obvious. because for one, since i don't look like the timid sucker that i am, i don't get taken advantage of. i don't get walked all over. i also like surprising people. when i'm out with my gorgeous blond daughter and she's all dressed in pretty pink dresses, people stare. old folk in need of assistance get worried looks when i approach them, but when i give them a big smile and offer my help they seem pleasantly surprised. i'm funny like that.
  12. i miss both my oscars - badly! lucky my favourite one went to my mates tank. i collect cockroaches and visit her frequently
  13. a fire eel with a commune of breeding guppies to keep it well fed.
  14. yeah this all works fine until she gets weirded out that all the fish are watching on.... c*ck blocked by a fish... it happens, believe me....
  15. you provide each flatmate and offspring with their own fishtank in their room, as an excuse to have more fish yourself...
  16. kitty didn't take his eyes off slash for one second. literally! now he sit on my table next to slashs tank just staring in at him. curiosity, or appetite...? i wonder...
  17. awesome fish to keep! friendly, fun and full of personality! they do require a bit more effort to keep than most little fish. do your research cause puffers are totally worth it!
  18. they will be sweet. and fun to watch.
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