unable to pass disgust...?
it's a song by TOOL.
i like it because it's kinda scary looking and weird. i like looking "scary", i dress in black, wear leather studded wristbands, cannibal corpse t shirts, i have dreadlocks... it's all an image with the intent to deceive - you see, i am actually a really nice guy, polite and pleasant. but i don't want that to be obvious. because for one, since i don't look like the timid sucker that i am, i don't get taken advantage of. i don't get walked all over. i also like surprising people. when i'm out with my gorgeous blond daughter and she's all dressed in pretty pink dresses, people stare. old folk in need of assistance get worried looks when i approach them, but when i give them a big smile and offer my help they seem pleasantly surprised.
i'm funny like that.