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Everything posted by disgustipated

  1. in this case, it's not the seller who is silly, it's the buyer that needs help lol
  2. still got those guys?! thought they'd sell quick. ask jaxxnz he might want them.
  3. yea jaxx i had thought of that. she's a very good looking fish, and i'd like for other people to enjoy her as much as i do. i just worry whether they will give her back or not. lol
  4. sweet bro, get in touch. i'm sure i can mission out to the dirty south sometime soon...
  5. dreary drury aye... you interested in selling it?
  6. after my 6 foot tank broke, i sold most of my fish, have found a temporary home for another, but the only guy i can't bring myself to sell is a huge pigeon blood oscar. he's my baby.... so just looking to keep him somewhere more comfortable than the 200l tank he's in now...
  7. one of my current flatmates is moving out late january so i will have a room to rent. the house has polished floors, which is great for fishkeeping. i have around 4 fish tanks here at the moment which is less than i usually have! house is very nice, large villa, two lounges, all furnishings aside from your room furniture. on the main road in glenfield, 20 seconds walk to the bus stop! 5 mins walk to the mall. looking for someone cool, outside smokers/drinkers ok. two friendly male flatmates, myself with a 6year old daughter who stays 3 out of 7 days of the week. room is large, very sunny, warm, big windows, gets afternoon/evening sun. house has 3 decks and plenty of storage. rent $150 plus around about $15pw for power, internet and phone. all i ask is that you are single, working or studying, and have experience flatting ie. you know how to pick up and clean up after yourself and all the responsibilities that come with flatting!
  8. yea that looks perfect - if i could only find a second hand one. $200 is too much, i could probably get a glass fish tank for similar sort of price. i have been looking at second hand spa pools... i also have one of those huge paddling pools with the inflatable ring around the top, water fills and floats the ring up. i think it's about 2000 litres. might try it... i'll post pix if i do.
  9. if at first you don't succeed.... maybe siphon the eggs out next time and figure out good ways to keep them alive in a separate tank? then again, i wonder if the eggs actually got fertilized in the first place....? damn, i got my hopes up for you on this one lol
  10. yea mate i have used those warehouse bins in the past with much success. only drawback is that it does stretch a little bit, doesn't compromise the structure of the bin but just means you cant fit the lid on unless you squeeze the sides in a little bit. i'm looking for a 400-600 litre type bin. plastic baths sound good. any other ideas/suggestions please people?
  11. looking for a long term temporary solution, if that makes any sense... 3-6 months storage in 600 or more litres.
  12. other than glass fish tanks and ponds, what have you used to keep/store fish in? tubs? paddling pools? baths? water storage tanks? i am very interested to hear. 8)
  13. in my opinion they would, if you tried hard enough. you should definitely do it. offspring would look very cool as adults. especially if you crossed the flowerhorn with an electric blue jack dempsey...
  14. i have also been told that too much raw protein such as meat can give them internal parasites...
  15. you could even turn the cell toilet into a fishbowl! sounds like we just need to get jaxx drunk and convince him to do it... pay him in bubble cuddles! :lol:
  16. all my fish love it, my ghost knife won't touch anything else. if you're feeding it to cichlids, just do it as a treat, otherwise they'll start becoming spoilt and turn their nose up at all other healthier foods to try and make you feed them ox heart. definitely remove all the fat and bits of gristle and aorta or whatever it is! i want to also mention that done medium rare on a hot frying pan with a dash of salt and pepper, ox heart is absolutely superb for human consumption.
  17. don't say that, you'll give the poor fulla a stomach ulcer! besides.. who said we were going to do it illegally?
  18. @jaxx - still got my number? we should have a chat.. about the price of milk...
  19. breaking the law for the greater good aye.. now where have i heard that story before.... 8)
  20. they dont care for the hobby.. exactly why they should ban goldfish, make them a pest like gambusia! but then i'd have nothing to feed my oscars... 8-)
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