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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Doesn't your sixteen year old have a fringe and snake bites? At this rate, I'd say he'll be into another phase by xmas :lol:
  2. Going to get this room going in the next few weeks (hopefully) Just need to find the money. Its my xmas present
  3. I worked out that if my tank heaters are on 24/7 during winter, in my stone cold garage, thats $180 in a 31 day month...
  4. What things do people do to save power? I'm going to run all my breeding tanks off an air compressor to save power, only lights when i'm looking in the tank. Insulated fish room. Any other ideas?
  5. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 659326.htm thats for 50grams, as opposed to the 6grams you have? Not sure if those have good hatch rates. Leave it up to the others to guide you towards good value for money.
  6. An inbalance of nutrients. I had it when my tank was planted. Had to use furan to stop is. Brennos had luck stopping it using ferts though
  7. You could get a battery powered air pump just to be safe?
  8. Unplug the filters from the wall and rinse the media once the power is back on?
  9. Plants in the tank should feed them, but crush up normal flakes during feedings anyway
  10. Anybody can sell illegal fishy, illegally. Do you have pinkish lights?
  11. Was waiting for somebody to say that Did you rinse out the gravel?
  12. Don't just listen to us. Others may have more experience
  13. That was pointless :lol: Onstream
  14. I think he means mm :roll: But hey, you can still stick your head in it and blow bubbles :lol:
  15. :lol: I once bought java moss there, guy couldn't be bothered picking out the snails so I got them free. Month later I had 20 full grown ones with 200+ babies
  16. :oops: Might have been from me. Oh no its feels like i'm spreading an STI...
  17. Only 400 liters? Are you crazy? He'll have to do water changes everyday...
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