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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. We could buy the inhabitants too, start our on aquarium up :lol: Africa used to have jelly wrestling once upon a time... Friend dad was telling us about it :lol: Ooooo a pink lemonade? I haven't been in a bar since I was a kid. Used to get drinking with little plastic things in from the Howick club :lol: If you plan on adopting me, we'll need to find my birth certificate, no idea where it is... :roll:
  2. It kinda give you more incentive to save. But those that need to spend will be hit harder...
  3. That 4ft light fixture on top of my 4ftr, was $35 with two bulbs included. All my plant growth was done under them
  4. Is there anything that he can catch his tail on and rip it?
  5. I'll be setting up all my tanks once my dad gets me this stand Also got to plan my fish room......
  6. Really? Point me in the direction please? If you're taking me to the mermaid aquarium, it'll be like at your girlfriends fish club bar meeting, i'll need to "bring a parent" :lol:
  7. Hey everyone. I live in the howick/botany area and was wondering if there was any streams/creeks with native fish in it out my way. I'm running out of things to do any its only the first week of the holidays :lol:
  8. Especially when oscars are $30-40 and turtles are $80+? I know that isn't much money to some people, but getting a kitten can be cheaper then buying a turtle...
  9. People are really uninformed sometimes :roll:
  10. I went there last year. Was so gutted there was no aquarium
  11. These fish are now on a diet, with a regular exercise routine. If no improvements show I'm sending them on "The Biggest Loser" :lol:
  12. Oh fair enough haha. I've found new owners for my embers and my rams. Now I need to catch my cory's... Haha
  13. The one in the cave had that colouration. My caves aren't that big though, think I should add some more? Have three bamboo ones currently
  14. Why do you assume they're in the Philippines? I got a call from a guy in Dublin, Ireland. Calling to ask if I was going to sign up fully to the share market website I joined :lol:
  15. Ok maybe no feedings haha. Will wait a few days. At least theres one male
  16. Alright. No shrimp tabs. spirilina wafers and JBL pleco tabs? Fresh courgette. Got it
  17. Is that a hint P44? Zuccini in the fridge, and theres a lot of wood already I'll just keep that up?
  18. No more blood worms for that tank then? I'll feed lots of plec chips etc?
  19. Just got them off Adrienne, so not sure
  20. Which fat one? They're pretty much all like that :lol:
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