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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. I recently got some bamboo caves and I have no idea how to clean them? They have black bits on the insides of some of them I'm currently soaking them What do I do? Thanks
  2. Hey everyone. I'm looking at insulating my garage with poly sheets(since i cant insulate the inside of the wall i'll just be fixing poly straight to the wall) and I was hoping to find a cheap place to buy 50mm sheets in auckland? Any suggestions for better ways are also welcome. Thanks
  3. I feel sorry for you man. From my back yard I can see the brothel parking lot and an average house :roll: Wicked pics aye! Was that on your fishing trip?
  4. Mine have disappeared and I actually want them. No idea why they did
  5. How about auctions where people pretend to be vegetables? :lol:
  6. Mine are only 2cm+ tail Haven't culled any yet :-? Been feeding the NLS grow?
  7. My 3-4 month old fighters look just like your giants haha
  8. Thats a very random question. I don't think I was on the radio at all. Why do you ask?
  9. Flourish excell put straight on the BBA using a syringe? I'm sure somebody with more experience will be able to elaborate
  10. Cant make any decisions till I get this fish room operational though
  11. Baby fighters and clown plecs I'm not going to set up lots of tanks with lots of species. Strictly breeding with 1-2 nice tanks
  12. I've had auto bid jump up with nobody bid :roll:
  13. I've told myself I cant get discus untill the fish room is made. They'll be too stressed during its construction. I was hoping to put some in my 120-40-40cm tank but I can be patient and wait for a bigger one
  14. I'm quite alright with doing daily water changes. Will over filter the tank also. I've met a guy who was keeping about 10 in a 200L with fast growth rates and two 50% water changes a week. Only was ran with an internal and two sponge filters Will think about getting discus once the fish room is built
  15. Stores still sell fish under coldwater that don't :roll:
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