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About Brennos

  • Birthday 07/19/1982

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    Cars, Gaming, Fish.

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  1. Brennos

    Fay's Reef Tank

    WOW! That is amazing. I could spend hours set up in front of that. Who needs a tv!
  2. Did you ever get one of these, I want one about the same time.
  3. Mine were ok with bumblebee gobys. I didnt dare try them with anything else.
  4. Brennos

    My Nano

    Any chance of some pics of what you did to mod the tank. If its simple enough I will buy one next week for a desk tank. 1 clown, 1 shrimp, 1 beer. And I'm happy.
  5. I have 2x Bristlenoses 3x Rams 13x Cardinal Tetras. All good for the last 6 months or so.
  6. I can take him off your hands if you wish, My 2 are pretty good though, no fighting, they tend to hang next to each other all the time, Hopefully yours isn't too aggressive.
  7. I don't think I have enough light for red plants. the tank is rather deep.
  8. Soda stream bottles will not work. That isn't to say that you couldn't get an adapter from en engineering place. hardest part would be getting something to open the valve on the soda stream bottle. I might look into it later.
  9. Gorse! You truely are a legend. It usually has all the great structure like a tree. Off to northland.
  10. Supasi is right. I am seriously considering doing something like this as well...
  11. My uv is in there, but isn't on. you have a keen eye I might add. Yeah more cardinals would be awesome, I was thinking the same. I like the marble hatchets, but they are super expensive. I like my massive sword plant. But yeah It might be too much. Might try and sell it. and replace it with something?
  12. Anything you would change/add P44? http://s1100.photobucket.com/albums/g40 ... 000384.jpg That is a link to my photo bucket account with a slide show of all the pics I took.
  13. Made up a new piece of drift wood today, and thought you guys might like to see what it looks like now. plants are Dwarf sag, Java fern, Java moss And that massive sword... oh and I added 3 bunches of Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' as per P44's advice. Cheers again man. The new driftwood is the spiral shaped to the right. Ignore the rock, that's only there to weight the wood down for a while (hopefully) Pics:
  14. Marble Hatchets are very expensive... Can not afford right now.
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