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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. If you had 3 male platies and 1 female sword, the male platies would beat up the female sword
  2. How soon were all these fish introduced?
  3. I heard those too but it was before they taught us drugs in health glass. They were begging to be caught. They have the leaf of an illegal plant in their logo....
  4. We have a 2L volume that cant be plumbed out the wall and its 300W. So i'll troll TM till i find one
  5. Read their products. Fire works, tabacco flavouring, alcohol stuff, t shirts insulting the police, herb drying racks, lighters, "budzilla" plant ferts... No wonder they got caught
  6. The room wall and insulations costing less then that
  7. Sweeet Are dehumidifiers expensive?
  8. Pretty interesting informantion. Leave the gaps. Got it Thanks Ryan, what type of silicone was it?
  9. http://sog.open24x7.biz/catalog/product ... c6652ed307 Remember seeing it ages ago when I was looking at aquarium gear on the SOG website. Was pretty shocked to find out what they sold then i discovered what they got in trouble for haha
  10. Thats what I was saying to you the other night Aqua, only use it for the expensive fish. Don't bother using it on the cheap ones unless you really want to be safe
  11. That sounds a lot cheaper then the petstore stuff
  12. It would be possible if it was an indoor pool? Or if you wanted a big power bill? Then again they heat the school pool to 26 degrees over winter. Just cover it at night
  13. The one on the right in that pic would be the female? Just was watching a keyhole pair spawn the the females egg depositor is HUGE compared to the guys little area down there
  14. Removing the blinds was part of the plan. Will use 50mm thick poly on the windows, 25mm thick on the walls? Flat head nail through the poly into the ply I assume? (i failed all forms of woodwork and have very little knowledge in the DIY aspect) Will then tape it up a few times with thick duct tape? I think the ceiling is jib? Someone mentioned aeration earlier, dehumidifier every so often? That'd be the ventalation?
  15. I'll reword that. Do they sell plant growth bulbs like the "gro lux" etc? Thanks
  16. Will do it first thing after school Will also do that second thing after school
  17. Its my grandparents house which i plan to leave in for the next few years. I'm 16 and hoping to move out in 3-4 years (if we don't all die in 2012 :lol:, got to keep those things in mind when planning for the future ) Not sure if I would want to take that stuff to my next place, doubt I can have a fish room in the first house. But who knows
  18. Plan is to get the insulation done this saturday. How do I apply it to the walls and ceiling? I cant put it in the walls of the garage as they're not removable. I need to make sure the insulation is really tight. How do I make sure it is? Pretty worried that I stuff it up and have wasted the money :-? If anybody has done the room this way i'd love to hear about it Thanks
  19. Is drilling hard to do? Sounds like a good idea
  20. Hey everyone. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =327111362 Looking at the auction I was wondering if anyone had made that system before? How does it work? Is it expensive to set up? Thanks By the way, it will be use on all my grow out tanks
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