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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Thats what I thought Really? I could quite possibly afford 4 small discus which I would love to grow up but I don't want to have to suddenly get a taller tank :oops:
  2. http://www.forum.simplydiscus.com/showt ... hp?t=28937 Found that awhile ago. Thats more for power growing then keeping discus right? What would be the recommended size tank for 4-6 discus? Dimensions is the biggie. I have a 200L tank that would be ok for a few discus but Its only 40cm high 40cm wide and I've been told thats not enough Thanks
  3. Don't flush her! Put her in a fish bag with no water, tie it up and smack her really hard on the side of the table :roll:
  4. You don't believe adaptation is possible? It naturally occurs in pretty much every species. But alright. We'll leave it at that
  5. Adaptation then. The biological phenomena where an animal adapts to better suit its habitat? The few was sarcastic btw. Like if I said you only have to buy a few lotto tickets to win the big one... :roll: :lol:
  6. Why not? Animals have evolved to live in new environments...
  7. There isn't really anything that can go with goldfish. I've seen a type of sucker fish, borneo sucker IIRC for sale with goldfish at animates
  8. Why not? :lol: I'm sure you could evolve them to handle cold water. Might not be in our day but in a few generations... :lol: It was only a few years since I bought my coldwater swordtails and cories from animates. Got a cory from HFF too back in the day :lol:
  9. I think they do. But IDK if cories and goldfish would be ok
  10. I think HFF sells them in the coldwater section?
  11. I ended up bidding against p44 and firenzenz for some plecs from Adrienne :lol:
  12. Picking up numbers 13-25 on the weekend
  13. Theres twelve tanks haha. I was putting this up just to see if I could save myself $30 haha :lol: Parents idea not mine
  14. As in my other post, I need to pick up a lot of tanks. The Obstacle has offered me one but he might not be here, also my parents would prefer not driving a full lap of auckland :lol: The tanks are in woodlands park, i'm in howick. Was hoping to borrow a trailer reasonibly close to be or on the way to woodlands park on sunday Is anybody about to help me out? Thanks in advance
  15. I'm pretty stoked aye. Will probably clean them, leak test etc etc and use the decent sized ones to replace my odd sized tanks then onsell the ones I don't need for a profit. Make some more money to buy more things that I need :lol: This is even better then the 5-2-2 tank that I got for $50 haha I imagine it would have been a breeder. 18-18-15 is a good size discus spawning tank (i think) and the sides are painted (edit, 1000th post :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: )
  16. Pick up is in woodlands park. Do you own a van?
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