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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. I'm hoping they don't become like "Betta Vases" overseas
  2. Get a few people going "oh wow I can get two of these really pretty fish, this tank has it all" No filters or heaters -.-
  3. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 361228.htm What does everyone think?
  4. IMO not really worth the $50-$70 :lol: Seen so many break at school
  5. That black fish looks like more then a goldfish?
  6. Cant be my bad water. He had it in the bag. Its definetly not pop eye but i'll be careful with the fish
  7. I think he wants a bit more information then that
  8. I reckon they'd lose too much heat opening the door. And they must have pretty small arms :lol:
  9. Would I be able to grab one? I'll buy two extra girls. Love the genes of those kribs you have. Mines blue
  10. Kribensis. Sorry forgot to state full name
  11. Joshlikesfish

    lf ideas

    Its the more natural way. The pH naturally fluctuates. If you really want to get water thats soft, you can catch rain water. Sometimes its too soft...
  12. Yeah I don't think its pop eye. Not also sure if I can trust the seller who said they're a pair :-? Females about 4cm long, do they spawn at that size? I have dosed some salt and i'm going to do lots of water changes. Will take pics tomorrow
  13. Actually half his eye sticks out like its a wart or something?
  14. Thirty seconds ago I bought a breeding pair of kribs. Two very small girls 1 male. Male has pop eye :-? How do I cure it? Pretty gutted :roll:
  15. They're just as bad with breaking :lol:
  16. Seen them spawn. One lays other does the milt part. Unless its a she who is pretending and not laying eggs :-? When two other members off this forum saw this pair, they though they were two males :-?
  17. Thanks. The pair is pretty useless then haha. They lay every 15 days and never get past day 2. Go white and die
  18. Joshlikesfish

    lf ideas

    Those shop bought products are a disaster waiting to happen IMO
  19. Take the plants out. Soak them in a bucket with 1cap of bleach in it for 5 mins. This will kill the whitespot on the plants. Rinse them all with bleach free tank water(Not in the tank though!!!) Put them in another tank and then treat your tank. Wont help the silicone though :-? Can somebody vouch me on the bleach before he does it? hahaa
  20. Were the weipros like two for $10 or something?
  21. I know p44 might not agree with this, but I have found Aquaone heaters to be pretty good. Cheap too. I'm sure others will agree with me
  22. The ambulia will be fine, I can tell you that much
  23. Fishing wire is what i've heard of in the past
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