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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Try decapsulated brine shrimp like I linked before. I'm not sure if Adrienne uses it, but a lot of other people on betta websites have suggested it. I went from microworms to decapsulated brine shrimp to flakes. Just slowly change the feedings. Every 6 feedings was decap shrimp but then I thinned it down to every feeding then started using flakes
  2. How big of a water change? Other will have better opinions then me. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to cycling :lol:
  3. I personally think you should wait awhile
  4. My fry were that size at 2 months I was really bad with them :-? They're all grown up now. Well 5 of them are. The rest are missing pelvic fins and some have bad spines
  5. You could try decapsulated brine shrimp? Its rather cheap off Trademe. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 005284.htm One bag lasted me a long time You need to soak it for 5-10 mins first otherwise it will expand inside your fish and do damage to them.
  6. As question says. I'm curious who makes their own tanks and where they get the glass
  7. That would be good. Would benefit the government big time too if they set up the places and hired the registered instructors etc
  8. Last time I checked, 12 year olds were doing drugs :evil:
  9. You cant.(as far as I know with a tank that size) The red turq and red dragon might be becoming a pair. Somebody in the post further up mentioned that the odd one out will be picked on. Its normal with cichlids
  10. How often do you plan on doing water changes? How warm will the water stay in the room you're keeping the fish?
  11. I have accounting monday afternoon, english tuesday morning. I'm not taking english next year. I need to pass my accounting externals to get my course next year. English you lose :lol:
  12. Fabrics at my school is 55 internal level 3 credits... Its one course too. 1hour a day.
  13. When I received my level one results in jan, i was told I had 95 credits at level one. This years form tells me I have 103. Haven't sat any level one standards this year The school should be able to sort it out. As far as I know its out of your control.
  14. What is your ammonia level? What do the corpses look like? Don't bother using pH changing chemicals. Disaster in a bottle
  15. From what I've heard they're really good value for money. There's some for sale at the moment that are 1000lph without a UV light which should be sufficient for your tank
  16. I just quoted it to get it on the new page haha.
  17. Thats what I plan on doing. Take 2012 off as a gap year after I finish year 13 in 2011. Gives me work experience and money to buy myself a car etc
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