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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    We were at Clubs Marlborough for Quiz Night (came 2nd) when the smokers reported it was snowing and many rushed out to see :lol: This is only the 3rd time I can remember it snowing here in 48 years but it has turned to rain already
  2. It is tone or fitness that is more important I think and whether your weight is muscle or fat. I would not consider anything wrong with a size 14 and agree with cricketman - women are supposed to have curves!
  3. Were you a size 12 when she saw you last? My daughter was seeing a personal trainer once a week and found him helpful. I have put on about 10kg since the injury and surgery so have just started to try and lose it (had to wait until after Christmas, New Year, my birthday and conference etc) :slfg: Not doing anything more than stopping eating all the extra high fat content stuff I had started eating.
  4. No carp or tench etc that you are allowed to keep, let alone let loose in a waterway.
  5. I hope there are pics taken and an article sent for the AW
  6. What, exactly, is Canterbury cream coffee? I gather Canterbury cream is a liqueur. Do you put some in a cup of coffee then use 50 - 60mls of it? I can figure out the drak and eegs etc
  7. No it didn't :roll: :gigl: It will be interesting to see it progress over time.
  8. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Back at work and half asleep. What are Canterbury cream coffee brownies? Perhaps a recipe in the Off Topic section might be appropriate
  9. Of course you can't win Rob - you were a judge! :gigl:
  10. With Royce I assume? :bounce: :bounce:
  11. What are the nitrate readings from the tap? (out of curiosity)
  12. Dodgy??? That was putting it mildly! (except when we won of course) :lol:
  13. Welcome I hope you realise it isn't just the cost of setting up a marine so much, but the ongoing costs that many find difficult, compared to freshwater tanks.
  14. No tanks all over the place either??? :gigl: Welcome back
  15. It was good to meet you and Lucy too :thup: Don't forget to contact that fella, like you promised
  16. Ambulia, cabomba, bolbitis, Ludwigia arcuata, moss, anubias, to name a few plants for sale. There is a starlight plec here too, and heatpacks on the sales table. :happy2:
  17. We certainly are - even though there are no castles or Black Forest gateaux in sight! Mind you we are in Hamilton so, thanks to the fog, not a lot of anything is in sight at the moment :gigl:
  18. It has been an interesting and fun day. The AGM started late as Jennifer's plane had to circle for half an hour waiting for the fog to lift. Once she arrived the AGM was swiftly dealt with and a delicious lunch was enjoyed by all. After lunch we had a scavenger hunt (winner not yet announced) then general get together before the evening meal. Very nice it was too! After that we had a quiz. This was great fun and much hilarity ensued with some of the answers. Congratulations to Team International Rescue (me, Grant, Zev, Norman, wok and Rob Visser) for winning. We eagerly await tomorrow's events which includes guest speakers and workshops.
  19. Caryl

    hi from nelson

    Welcome. I believe some of the Tasman club members keep Africans too :thup:
  20. We gave up waiting for you wok
  21. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    A good idea to set up your own business from home pufferfishnz. Choose your own hours! It was frosty when we got up at 5am this morning here too!
  22. Just coming through Wgtn heads. It has been a rolling swell so I am not feeling so good Should be docking 10.30am. I hope I haven't forgotten anything! :tears:
  23. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    We are on the ferry heading for conference :happy2: Dead calm, cos we are still in the Sounds. Clouds lifting. Should be a lovely day and a good trip up.
  24. We are on the ferry sailing through the Marlborough Sounds :happy1: Here's hoping the strait is as calm as they claim! Shouldn't have sat near the cafe - nice smells wafting by. Perhaps it is time for breakfast 8)
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