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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Exciting! We got a 55" LG (the biggest that will fit in the space available) a couple of weeks before Christmas but it is still boxed up waiting until Grant has time to install the fancy auto swing, remote controlled, wall bracket that finally arrived yesterday :roll: Pickles and Charlie Bucket went to their new home this morning. Neither was impressed with the journey and alternated between burying their heads under the seat and looking out the window trying to attract the attention of passing motorists to free them from their mobile prison van :lol: Poor Denny is wandering around and seems a little lost, calling through the house. I am sure he will get used to it, especially once he realises he does not have to share the food! :happy2:
  2. I think Denny Crane is feeling a little lost as he realises his 2 companions have gone (and not just outside for a while. We managed to find a loving home for them and they were delivered this morning). He is complaining about it a lot and wanting to sit on my knee. if I was in the lounge chair reading this would not be a problem but I am trying to type at the computer. He does not fit between lap and desk and my arms get tired trying to reach over him! Oh well, only until the end of the month then he will have a lovely journey on the Pet Bus down to his own new home in Naseby. Hopefully we will get pics of him in his new home!
  3. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    It was stuttering here but at least 2 of the cats didn't notice... I think I may have found homes for all 3 cats now :happy1: :happy2: :thup: :dnc1: :f77: :bounce: Fingers crossed our visitor this evening will decide to take both Charlie and Pickles. Denny Crane will soon be heading south as well! :thup:
  4. Welcome. They won't have them for long! I hope they equally like frogs :bggrn:
  5. Because I actually write with my right I am considered right handed but I do almost everything else left handed (except softball. Tennis I play left handed but not softball - go figure). Kicking a ball or jumping over stuff I don't care which foot is used. I learned guitar right handed as it was easier. Had trouble as a child using scissors though as they did not make them usable either way back then. I knit left handed (dad had to teach me as he is a leftie) and, as a Brownie, I had to set a table as part of my Golden Hand badge. I did it beautifully, except left handed. I was passed as the leader said it was the right way around for me. When I first started using a computer mouse I used my left hand but it was such a nuisance switching sides after others had used it I trained myself to use it right handed. When finally getting felt pens (I was 11) I used them right handed but if I was asked to write on the blackboard (no whiteboards in them days either) I often as not used my left. I could also mirror write - that is writing the same thing with both hands at once, starting in the centre and writing one forwards and the other backwards away from each other. Not sure if I can still do it though :dunno: I was never forced to use my right hand (unlike my dad who got the ruler over the knuckles) and actually sat next to another leftie.
  6. Of course we do. It is to show the righties the correct way to do things ;-) I find things like ATM's and swipe card things annoying because they assume you are right handed.
  7. Caryl

    dog memes

    There was a retriever at the vets when I was there today. She did not want to go into the room with the vet! They had to drag her through as she just sat and refused to budge. She looked so sad about it Luckily they have a vinyl floor so sliding her across the waiting room and into the next room wasn't too difficult.
  8. Now listen up you young ones! I am just having a laugh and a trip down memory lane. My age will really show here. I was reading an advert that offers a pack of 12 felt pens for $1.99. I can remember when felt pens were new, hard to get, and very expensive (and others, yet even older, here will remember using slates and chalk at school :bggrn: ). Only one girl had a pack of felt pens in my class and that was because her dad had gone to the USA on business and brought them back for her. She was the envy of every other kid in the class! That would have been when I was about 7. :dnc1: (I also remember when biros became available. Before that we had to use ink from ink wells. Boys were always doing naughty things with the ink, including dipping girls' long plaits in them. Computers weren't invented either!) wikipedia has this to say about them... Lee Newman patented a felt-tipped marking pen in 1910.[3] However, markers of this sort began to be popularized with the sale of Sidney Rosenthal's Magic Marker which consisted of a glass tube of ink with a felt wick. By 1958 use of felt-tipped markers was commonplace for a variety of applications such as lettering, labeling, and creating posters.[4] The year 1962 brought the development of the modern fiber-tipped pen (in contrast to the marker, which generally has a thicker point) by Yukio Horie of the Tokyo Stationery Company. Ahhhh memories :sage:
  9. I don't know that I would agree with all it claims we are ranked highly in anyway, especially the environment! Education isn't what it used to be either. We do not want any government bashers as politics is meant to be kept out of here, it only causes problems. :roll: Bring back the good old days :sage: :sml1:
  10. Finely crushed (between thumb and finger) flake will be fine. If there are larger fish they may be eaten though.
  11. I would not like to suggest anything as I have no experience of using chemicals. Perhaps someone else, who has used such products, will advise.
  12. I have never used chemicals myself as I believe slow and steady the natural way is the best. It has seemed to me that such additives do not increase the set-up time by much. Once you have added the stuff, you must also add something for the bacteria to eat or they will die before you add the fish.
  13. That's good but they will grow and quite quickly
  14. I would not attempt to grow it in a tank. I would have it outside in a pond or large container.
  15. What is the point of doing all that?
  16. I wouldn't put 3 goldfish in anything smaller than 120L.
  17. You only need water ager if the water is chlorinated, as far as I know.
  18. Yes, our very own website (of which this forum is just a part) has the answers you need! :thup:
  19. Best option for what? You just get a bit of moss and tie it to the log. Easy. I have spare moss too if you need some.
  20. I drop them into a plastic bag then whack it on the concrete. Less mess and I can't see the poor thing :tears:
  21. I do believe I said in your other post that the species you had would not go together because they needed totally different conditions. I suspect this is why the Borneo catfish died - wrong conditions &c:ry
  22. Have you tested the water? It would help if we knew the ammonia and nitrites were 0 and the nitrates were low. Water quality is always the first thing to check (along with temperature). Some fish are more sensitive to water quality than others so that is why one can die while others are seemingly happy.
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