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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Thank you all but I am not a nana yet Mark. I had to work today but made myself a birthday cake so we all ate that. I then had lunch with my mum, dad and sister before heading back to work. Doctor has given me the most hilarious gift but I can't say what it is as this is a family forum :slfg: (No, it is not medication of any kind for me, or Grant) Hopefully Grant will make it home in time to take me to dinner. :happy2:
  2. Breeding guppies is not difficult and many have done it before There are also 3 fish clubs in Wgtn with a wealth of knowledge. Caserole would be a good one to start with as he was line breeding guppies for a few years and had some beautiful specimens.
  3. My anubias doesn't get eaten. Java fern is said to be bitter so most fish won't touch it either
  4. Sid is in Australia, living with his daughter. Colin Clark is alive and well same place, same bat channel, interesting tanks. Ivan Mockford - unsure but think he is the same as Colin. Gordon McKay and Sean are still in ChCh I believe. Gordon sold the shop and Sean is still breeding fish from what I have heard. I haven't seen him since the quakes though Bill is deceased David Cooper is still involved in fish keeping
  5. No you won't. He leaves here on Wednesday but doesn't he overnight in ChCh before heading further south on Thursday??
  6. Welcome. It is a good hobby for a couple to enjoy (and kids too for that matter)
  7. I suggest it may be carp pox which is a herpes virus that koi and goldfish get. It is not curable or dangerous but is unsightly. The raised waxy "warts" look like drops of wax and may come and go but never totally go away, they just "hide". They can appear on any part of the fish, including the fins. It is normally either milky white in color or clear and appears to be jelly-like though it is solid. They apparently come up mostly when the water is cold and as the water heats up they will recede. There is no treatment as it is a virus the fish will have for life. Do not attempt to scrape or cut the warts off either. Carp pox is contagious but many goldfish have built up a resistance to it so are basically immune. Have a look at other pics of carp pox and see if they match what is on your fish. We had one fish with it once and they looked like huge white warts in the end but never spread to any other fish.
  8. We have had such threads before. Feel free to add to any of them
  9. The Dr I work for has bred Birmans for many many years. There are a number of litter boxes throughout the house as they prefer to keep the cats indoors as much as possible (so they don't get run over, stolen or into fights with other cats). They are cleaned daily, often more than once depending on how many cats there are at any one time. When you have up to 3 cats with litters, that can be a lot of cats!
  10. Caryl

    New pond

    Try a farm supply store as they often have really big liners (used on farms for dams etc) at a good price. A filter and pump are good but not essential depending on size, depth and shade. Read through here for information on my pond. It has a link to the original build thread too.
  11. Hedgehogs prey on the endangered, endemic giant snails (Powelliphanta), the endemic weta species, and various other native invertebrates. The critically endangered Cromwell chafer beetle (Prodontria lewisi) is threatened due to predation by hedgehogs as well as other introduced species. As well as preying on invertebrates hedgehogs may have contributed to the decline and extinction of up to fifteen bird species!!!! The New Zealand hedgehogs, as with their European counterparts, carry various parasites and diseases. They are a potential carrier of foot-and-mouth disease if it were to reach New Zealand. Contrary to popular belief, hedgehogs dont carry fleas and ringworms are not common but some hedgehogs do suffer from mange. This is caused by a small mite, which is not harmful to humans but can cause enormous suffering to the hedgehog.
  12. I gather they are common as pets in other countries. A bit prickly for cuddles! Fleas love 'em too.
  13. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Quiz Night started last night. We chose the name Les Quizerables :thup: We came second and also won the jackpot (which was only $130 being first night) to share bewteen 7 of us :happy1:
  14. That is enough from both of you. Stick to the topic and play nice!!! :roll: :evil:
  15. I confirm he is a MAC member and details were forwarded
  16. We have a problem with idiots releasing rudd and tench into the Taylor dam. They have had to drain it twice now, also killing the other fish and critters that were there :an!gry
  17. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    The space station has just gone directly over our house! :bggrn:
  18. There is so much of that sort of stuff over there the possibilites are endless! Try Golden Bay Kayaks. Trip Advisor talks about them here Wharariki Beach and Cape Farewell - do a trip to Farewell Spit. Wainui Falls Kaituna Track There are walks and things to do everywhere. Unfortunately, the Salisbury Swing Bridge was destroyed in flooding a wee while ago and the Mapua Aquarium burned to the ground &c:ry .
  19. I can't find it there (which doesn't mean much). It has certainly been reported by a lot of sites. It would not surprise me if it was true though. :fshi:
  20. I would not say all sports are played right handed. You get left handed batmen too. A few leftie tennis and ping pong players, inc me, out there. I think polo is one sport you must play right handed so as not to confuse the horses or get whacked by a mallet.
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