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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I forgot to say that here today! While a lot of us had a day off, poor Ade had to work
  2. Caryl

    Hi there!

    It is a good hobby for the whole family.
  3. There are all sorts of ideas being tossed around as it is evident the FNZAS cannot continue as it has in the past. If you are a club member, you need to speak to your club officers or delegates as discussions have been held in the executive area of the forums and the thread is able to be seen by exec, club officers and delegates. An email was sent to all instructing them to read it then take the ideas and suggestions to their clubs at the next meeting and request feedback and more ideas on how the members wish to proceed. As it has been the holiday break, many clubs have not yet had their first meeting for the year. I know CTT and MAC have had theirs and have discussed the concepts suggested in the thread and given their feedback. To remove clubs would require a Constitutional change, not to mention a name change, as FNZAS stands for Federation of NZ Aquatic Societies. This does not mean it can't happen but we need members' input, ideas and suggestions! This is done at club level, not here in the forums, as this is not the place to discuss society business.
  4. Caryl

    Hello from chch

    5 years and still just guppies? You must be very strict in your habits. I would have branched out into other species by now unable to resist. 8)
  5. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I had one of them in my bathroom last night too! He got a sudden very hot wash and then thrown out the window.
  6. I have just returned from a 6km walk around the block. Cats seen roaming freely - 11 Other animals roaming freely - 0
  7. I don't think anyone is upset. Just don't link to TM or other auction sites. Removing the username from pics would also be good.
  8. I have always kept my 4ft tropical at 22 - 24C. This was fine until I got some new fish then a sudden cold night a few weeks later. I suspect the overnight temp dropped further and these fish were not used to it so started a massive whitespot outbreak - the first I had experienced in over 20 years. Wiped out most of the fish, old and new, before getting it under control. At 8pm this evening the tank is sitting at 27C (room is 28.1C but was 31.2C earlier in the day) The pond is 21C. I will try and remember to check the temp midday tomorrow as the air temp is supposed to be similar to today's, which was 32.1C. We live in the lee of the Wither Hills so temps are usually higher, and weather is drier, than where the official readings are taken for Blenheim - they said we were 28C.
  9. My daughter Kelly used to live in Detroit. She said the majority of cats there were de-clawed and kept inside because the wildlife, like racoons, attacked them, not the other way around. If a cat is kept inside from birth and knows no other life, it will probably be perfectly happy kept indoors.
  10. Only by educating people on the correct way to keep fish
  11. I'm not sure why showing pics of fish kept in poor conditions, or inappropriate tank size/stocking levels etc is considered "a bit of a laugh'. The aim of this site is to inform people of the correct way to keep their fish in the best possible way. Such posts achieve nothing. I am sure you may inform them of the correct way to keep fish where their original ad is posted but to then post it here does not help them.
  12. I am well past 6 years old but I liked that dragon! :dnc1:
  13. I wouldn't do that to Denny if I was you Aotealotl! Is he settling in well? I wonder if she coughs up furballs? :sick:
  14. One of our patients was cleaning a blocked drain and had lifted the manhole cover up when a lovely young lady walked by, distracting him with her assets so much he dropped the cover. Result = broken foot :rolfl:
  15. I'm not 70. I only feel and look it Nothing wrong with my hips (just other bits) and I had pasta and a chocolate brownie with chocolate sauce, whipped cream and ice cream. I only got 3 presents. An ereader and an ebook. Enjoying both very much. Third present is unmentionable on a family forum but I got a laugh out of it. :thup:
  16. I have just heard they are interviewing the Kerridge guy from the SPCA tonight on Campbell Live TV3.
  17. Most shops can order spare parts for various makes and models.
  18. Be grateful I cropped out naked husband... The guys fight over the TV remote
  19. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I will be packing up Denny Crane (and his scratching post) and taking him down to the Pet Bus! :happy2:
  20. I am happy for this thread to keep going if opinions offered stop being personal and aimed at other posters. Some have been getting that way and it is unnecessary and uncalled for. If nothing else, Gareth Morgan (I did not see the programme mentioned) has got people thinking about the subject of cats and the problems they cause to others. I have just re-homed my daughter's 3 cats which have been living with us since November. Despite having the 3 here, our yard is constantly full of cats from elsewhere. I know where 4 of them live (neighbours) but have no idea where the others come from. They poo on the lawn and garden, eye the fish in the pond (they will not live long if I catch one fishing!) and wander up and down under the verandah yowling at night and sometimes fighting, driving us nuts. One will come inside given half the chance and we can't leave doors open. They also like to sit on the black cloth roofs of 2 of our cars, making an awful mess. Several neighbours have dogs. These are all restrained in their own yards and not a problem. Cat owners should be made to do the same. Simple.
  21. Thank you blueether and P44 :bggrn: Grant took me to Rocco's Italian Restaurant and we had a delicious meal.
  22. It has come to nothing Joe as people have their own ideas and cannot accept any others so it degenerates into personal attacks. The original topic said "Cats, anyone love them this much..." - well some do, some don't. As this thread will only go around and around with everyone repeating themselves then resorting to rudeness, it will soon be locked as I can't see anything else useful being added. :roll:
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