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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Saw fry in the pond for the first time this season :happy1: Hard to spot at the best of times but even harder since I tried to photograph one after I'd fed flake food!
  2. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Going on a picnic to Whites Bay today. Gorgeous day for it and should be sheltered from the nor' wester. :happy1:
  3. It isn't the size of the fish but their behaviour once they reach sexual maturity. Many fish will live happily together until, suddenly, all hell breaks loose!
  4. Well you are on my mailing list for the Aquarium World therefore you must be a paid up member of the NZKA and FNZAS. :thup:
  5. I suspect a lot would depend on the size of the aquarium and the age of the fishes, especially the shark.
  6. Check the tap water. Ours is very high in nitrates.
  7. Good luck with the new tank. I would suggest you move the shark and at least 3 bristlenoses over to it as they are too big (or too many) for the 90L. I see a base of 120cm x 45 is recommended as a minimum for the loaches too. There are a number here who like the more unusual species of fish so there should be plenty to help you with questions 8)
  8. Pics here... http://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news ... bike-crash Grant says they said the man was in his 50's but the paper is saying 70's. He also said his companions were not far behind him so were there as well. He also suspects there is more to the story than police would say over the radio so we are wondering if it is a public figure, perhaps known in his own country or something. Ade, I too thought of Mike as he travels, especially in the bad weather.
  9. He appeared to be ahead of the group as there was no sign of them at the time.
  10. Grant was on state highway 6 going through the Collins Valley in the Whangamoas today (mountain range between here and Nelson) following an All Gas truck. They were just coming to a blind corner when there was a loud bang and the truck was suddenly engulfed in flames. There were plenty of vehicles behind Grant, including 2 other trucks with fire extinguishers, so he moved around the gas truck and around the corner a bit to stop traffic coming the other way. He also managed to call for help via Ham radio, for ambulances and fire trucks (poor cell coverage through there). Turns out an English tourist on a motorbike had come around the corner on the wrong side of the road and gone straight under the truck. The flames were from the bike exploding. Biker was killed instantly but nobody else was injured. They were lucky the truck did not explode with all the gas cylinders on it! He has only just got away after helping at the scene and giving a statement to police. Poor tourist was apparently part of a group touring NZ on their bikes &c:ry
  11. By hatching them in a container in the main tank you save the expense of another heater. The lid stops the salt water from getting into the main tank. When I want to use them, I remove the jar from the tank and sit it on the table with a lamp overhead then wait a few minutes for the stuff to settle and the naupli to head towards the light (makes it sound like they get a near death experience. I wonder if they see their long dead relatives?) Of course, when they are then sucked out with the turkey baster, it is an actual death experience :gigl: To feed them out, I sit a clean hankie over the jar then squirt the naupli into the hankie so the water goes back into the jar. I then give them a quick rinse under the tap (although not sure if this is really necessary) and dip the hankie into the tank to feed.
  12. It isn't the best pic as it was quickly set up using the empty jar on an empty tank to show what I mean but it gives you the idea.
  13. Mine were made from 1kg plastic Marmite or peanut butter jars... All I had to do was drill a hole in the lid to fit the airline tube through and wrap some wire around the neck and then bend the other end so it hooked over the top of the aquarium. It sat inside the main tank so kept a nice temperature to hatch the brine shrimp. :thup:
  14. I do hope you are kidding camtang :roll:
  15. Have you all only just noticed we have such things on this site?
  16. If Stimpy29 is indeed an NZKA member but wok does not have a current address, is he getting his magazines? :dunno:
  17. Welcome Matt (no pun intended) Although I applaud you getting rid of the goldfish bowl, 60L tanks are really not big enough for goldfish, especially comets. I personally don't like to see comets in anything smaller than a pond. The fancier varieties, like the telescopic eye, are different as they do not swim about like the short finned varieties. I don't know how many fish you already have but you will need bigger if you are going to add the fish you say are coming next week. You are also going to have a problem with cycling if they are all added at once (depending on numbers). What is a butterfly sucker? If you mean a hillstream loach, these fish are tropical and need water with a high oxygen content and good water flow. Waterflow is something fancy goldfish do not like.
  18. Raymond sells as valray on TM and is a member if The Fishroom as lotofish. He is not a FNZAS member. This is a reminder to people that being a member of this forum does not make you a member of the FNZAS. To be a FNZAS member you mist be a paid member of an affiliated club Nice looking bit of rock! :thup:
  19. Shops usually only have males as they have the colour and they claim nobody wants the plainer females. This also makes it harder for people to breed them when they only have males
  20. The more a fish (or any other animal) costs, the more it is likely to die, get a disease, or some other calamity befall it. :roll:
  21. I would suspect war wounds as well. The reason you have not had trouble until now is because they have been too young. As they hit sexual maturity the trouble starts. What sex are the others?
  22. My zygocacti go berserk and often flower within days of getting aquarium water. As said - liquid fertiliser. Ferns love it too (they also like cold tea)
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