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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I always thought it was a sign of poor breeding :dunno:
  2. Trademe have removed it
  3. Wooden boxes are best as they breathe. I always had mine in a little wooden box (thanks Alan) with glass on top under the lid. If I look back in past AWs I should be able to find an article by a Wgtn member who kept his in the garden using sea weed (he lives in Lyall Bay so had ready access to the big strands of kelp)
  4. Why don't you ring the shop and ask?
  5. There doesn't seem to be much suction on that vacuum cleaner!
  6. Cut them off or leave the cable tie there. As long as there are roots remaining stuck to the log it should be fine.
  7. :iag: You get a group of fish and add them to the pond. Simple. You don't even need gravel or any substrate if you don't want it. Don't expect any fry at this time of year though.
  8. Nothing was removed. I suspect you are just too drunk to realise you have been offensive :roll:
  9. When I had white worms they were kept in the hot water cupboard.
  10. I am wondering where the deodorant is being applied that it can get into the fish tank
  11. They can get sores and bumps from fights or a fright when they have whacked themselves against something. Keep the water conditions spot on and it should recover quickly.
  12. Never heard of Stresss Zyme affecting fish like that so doubt it has anything to do with it.
  13. The fish should recover as the temp drops slowly again too.
  14. Well look on the bright side - you hadn't planted it out and added fish!
  15. Put fish in planted pond. You don't have to do anything.
  16. I'm not sure which is more disturbing... coming up with the idea, or putting it on Youtube :facepalm:
  17. Our tap water always has high nitrates. I could never keep mine 20 or below!
  18. I moved your request to here, rather than to trade and exchange, so the killiphiles will see it. Some members here belong to the killifish association and may be able to help.
  19. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Taste like chicken apparently
  20. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    The one you just sent me, and deleted, showed up in my inbox as removed. I could not open it or do anything with it except delete it
  21. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    It was my understanding that if you deleted it before they opened it, it was gone :dunno:
  22. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    In reference to a PM? It means someone sent a message which stays in their outbox until the recipient opens it. If they change their mind, they can go to their outbox and delete the message before the othre person sees it. That message then appears in the other person's messages as they can only remove the contents, not the whole thing.
  23. Burned out Caper. I have been doing it for 18 years and am sick and tired of having to beg for items to fill the magazine each quarter. People seem keen to post several pages of their activities but when asked to do an article... "Oh no, I couldn't do that!" :roll: Quite frankly, after keeping fish for over 30 years I have lost interest.
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