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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. The South Island's west coast has a lot of native timber washing out to the beaches too. A good place for a holiday
  2. By woody, he means solid wood, no rotting bits
  3. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    What, a chauffeur? :gigl:
  4. Rata and rimu both look great!
  5. It is my understanding that light scratches can be fixed by polishing them out (glass has to be dry) but most you are stuck with.
  6. Congratulations dad! :happy1: :bounce:
  7. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Grant was approached by a couple when he had the Chrysler down at Heritage Day at Brayshaw Heritage Park. They asked if he and his car were for hire as they wanted to take friends on a surprise vintage picnic in March. Today is the day and he has headed off, dressed up, to play chauffeur. He picks the people up then drops them off at their destination (they have no idea where they are going or what to expect). He then goes back at 5pm to pick them all up again.
  8. They are in very cold streams in Marlborough. I have seen them here at Onamalutu.
  9. Caryl

    Hello from Tawa

    Better late than never. Caper only posts sporadically so has a lot to catch up on each visit!
  10. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    It wasn't me. I had to Google it to get the reference :lar:
  11. I went to ship them but.... Someone had eaten them all!!!! :dnc1:
  12. Caryl


    I happen to have a bottle of Melafix here. It says it "treats ulcers and open wounds, rapidly repairs damaged fins, treats fin and tail rot".
  13. Who knew fish keeping could be so tasty! :thup:
  14. I don't think they will last long enough to ship !drool:
  15. I'm afraid not LA as the icing does not cope with being thrown about by the couriers
  16. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    quakes of 3 point something are barely worth mentioning Sorry Joe, Rhubarb, Raspberry and Coconut cake doesn't do it for me. Have a go at making them yourself, I posted the recipe in Off Topic.
  17. We don't drink alcohol. I made my own limoncello following a recipe I found online. I used a tiny wee bottle of vodka (like airlines have) and the rest of the limoncello is in the freezer. There ought to be enough for one more batch of cupcakes.
  18. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Not in the mood at all as neither of us drinks alcohol. Maybe someone else will give it a go. We used to have a friend ('used to' because he is now dead) who was keen on homemade wines. Dandelion was one I remembered.
  19. Here is the recipe for those who liked the look of them in the "What's Up?" thread under Fun. LIMONCELLO CUPCAKES Cupcakes: 1 ½ C all-purpose flour 1 tsp baking powder ½ tsp salt 60g butter 60g cream cheese ½ - ¾ C sugar (original recipe uses 1 C but it is American and I always halve the sugar in their recipes. This time though, I used ¾C in case the lemon made them too tart) 3 large eggs 1 Tbs limoncello (a liqueur. Try using lemon essence if you don't have limoncello, but don't use that much. 1 - 2 tsp would probably do) ½ cup buttermilk ¼ C lemon juice zest of one lemon Beat softened butter & cream cheese. Add sugar & mix until light & fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each. Add the limoncello & beat until well mixed. Sift together flour, baking powder & salt. Alternately add flour & buttermilk to butter mixture. Mix in the lemon juice & lemon zest just until combined. Pour into prepared cupcake pans (approx 18) & bake 160°C for about 17 minutes. Cool on wire racks. Lemon curd filling: (or buy it ready-made) ½ cup lemon juice zest of two lemons ¼ C sugar 1 egg 1 egg yolk Mix lemon juice, lemon zest, & sugar of medium heat until boiling. Whisk egg & egg yolk. Whisk lemon mixture into eggs off the heat (to temper). Add all back to sauce pan & cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, until thickened. Cool completely. Use a melon baller (I just used a knife 'cos I don't have a melon baller) to scoop a hole into tops of cooled cupcakes. Fill with cooled lemon curd. Lemon buttercream icing: 60g butter 170g cream cheese 4 C icing sugar 2 Tbs limoncello Beat butter & cream cheese. Add limoncello & beat until smooth. Beat in powdered sugar until desired icing consistency is obtained. Ice filled cupcakes. Garnish with lemon slices, the bits you cut out, or lemon flavoured lollies.
  20. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Jennifer shared a link for Limoncello Cupcakes. These are made using limoncello (doh :facepalm: ) which is a liqueur made from lemons and vodka. Not wanting to pay almost $50 for a 1L bottle, I made my own; Looks a bit like a urine sample but... I then made the cupcakes. Here they are cooling... Then you cut out the centres and fill them with lemon curd (I also made my own)... Then you ice with cream cheese and limoncello icing... I used the cut out bits to decorate the top. Here is what they look like cut in half...
  21. I do not do water changes over the summer months as it causes a lot of problems. I suspect it has to do with the low water table, from our artesian source, concentrating the nutrients. My tank has not had a water change yet this year but it was topped up in early Feb. I have a lot of plants and a low fish load. Filter gets cleaned every 18 months - 2 years.
  22. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    OK, we do not want to get into a religious argument or I will remove the thread. I spent the afternoon up at A&E after my dad was taken into hospital by ambulance. They still don't know what his problem is but for once it is not his heart or bleeding from somewhere! He has gone home on strong painkillers and hopefully will improve in the next few days. :dunno:
  23. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I read enough to take note of which retailer or organisation put it there and then I go out of my way to avoid shopping at, or helping, those businesses. I loathe having stuff shoved under my wipers, I consider it vandalism! Luckily for me I rarely drive anywhere and do not have wipers on my bike :thup:
  24. Not at all Adrienne. I am saying many bike shops all over the place have useless websites And redracer77's is even worse cos it's broked
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