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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Was he actually eating before though? Could be a case of no food - no poop. Usually peas and/or Epsom salts does the trick.
  2. We arrived safe and sound. :happy1: Not so many cupcakes left !drool: .
  3. Just checked our flight times haven't changed. :thup: Our chauffeur will be waiting at the airport. :thup: Packed raincoats. :thup: Got cupcakes packed and ready to go. :thup: Yep, we're ready! :dnc1: I wonder if the kids will do the washing while we're away. They are coming up for the weekend so have the use of the house. If I end up with doggie prints through the house I will be extremely annoyed! :an!gry
  4. Not stupid at all, merely ignorant or ill informed, as many of us were when we started out in this hobby. A state you are attempting to correct as quickly as possible so all's good. Welcome to The Fishroom. Ignore Ira, he gets upset whenever some refers to their egg layer as being pregnant - a common statement :bggrn:
  5. They would be eaten. You can separate the guppies and platies if you like but female guppies will eat their own fry as well as every body else's. If you want fry, you need a tank heavily planted with fine leaved plants (ambulia, cabomba and Java moss are great) or floating plants with bushy root systems (water wisteria, water sprite) I am assuming you do have some female guppies in there?
  6. But don't the yellows and blues cross breed, producing ugly coloured fry?
  7. I have never found male bristlenoses to be murderers. They will chase other fish away from their food, and have the occasional fight with another male, but that is all.
  8. RTS's are usually fine until they hit a certain size, or age, then they get aggressive. A few are fine but the majority are trouble. They are better the bigger the aquarium.
  9. Wonka many people like to do a fishless cycle, especially those living overseas. Never tried it myself. I think the pure ammonia can be bought from chemists?
  10. Hi and welcome. What is causing the high pH? Is it coming out of the tap at that level?
  11. As Ira said, without a full autopsy and tests, you will probably never know the cause of death. It may be coincidence it died with its mouth open and unrelated to cause. Yes they can choke. I think you will find fish can also die of heart attacks, strokes, tumours etc and show no outward sign of illness.
  12. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Grant saw the orthopaedic surgeon today. He said all was good and no surgery required but he may have ongoing pain and problems with the wrist due to the breaks plus the damage already done by his rheumatoid arthritis. :-? He has a lovely new cast on. I picked black so it matched his work gear :bggrn: Also, it won't show up the dirt so much. It is a fibreglass job so lighter than the plaster cast. He is a mass of bruising from his fingers to just past his elbow!
  13. That was as far as I got too, for the same reason :bggrn:
  14. Offhand I can think of 4 members here I know are dyslexic. My sister is too.
  15. And then there is the misuse of foreign words - those who do not realise "voila!" is French and put either viola or wulla.
  16. I would much prefer to see them referred to as fries than bubbas! :facepalm:
  17. We watch all the Would I Lie To You? - UK versions and QI. Not into watching films very often but have just downloaded The Girl Most Likely To. Starring Stockard Channing. It was her first film. I remember seeing it back in the early 70's.
  18. Hi Fievels. You ought to find quite a few Nelsonian fish keepers. They have a club over there too.
  19. They will be fine if they can't move and fall over.
  20. Caryl

    Pig heart?

    Not sure whether it matters as a fish food but... beef heart; Calories 32 Fat 1.12g Carbs 0.04g Protein 5.02g pig heart; Calories 33 Fat 1.24g Carbs 0.38g Protein 4.9g
  21. Best way is to use a siphon. Either suck to get it started (easy) or put thumb over hose end. Submerge siphon then tip up so hose and tube fills completely with water. Tip so tube is facing down, under the water, then release thumb from end of hose. Should start siphoning. Make sure hose end is over bucket, or out window, at this time!
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