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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. There has been no mention of a new editor as yet as far as I know. Anyone put forward would need to supply a biography to be sent to all clubs then voted on at the AGM in June.
  2. Well unless it is really unusual then there is no hurry for the current article. The next editor may use standard pond pics in a future article. :thup:
  3. That is very small. Only suitable for 1 goldfish, depending on shape and depth, and not a comet either. You have to be very careful where you put small ponds as they can be subjected to extreme temps. They get too hot in summer and too cold in winter. If it is under wide eaves of the house, or under a good sized tree that will help.
  4. By the end of this week preferably. So far I have several made from more unusual items so might just stick to those rather than the usual for now. Perhaps the new editor will do a "Here are some members' ponds" article in the future :thup:
  5. That depends on what you mean by "like". They are both small fish with light colouring so hard to see from above as you would be viewing fish in a pond.
  6. Yes they can but will be very hard to see. Another is leopardfish, Phalloceros caudomaculatus
  7. Better to have a tank that is too high maintenance than a wife who is so Welcome. It can be a fun and fascinating hobby. One that is good for the whole family to enjoy together. :dnc1:
  8. Yes but I have dyscalculia so can't figure out whether it should then be +12 or +13 or whatever compared to what it was! :oops:
  9. Gee Steve, some people have all the excitement :gigl: Thanks Phantom, I can never figure out which way to change the time to make it correct :facepalm: I slept very well as it is finally cooling off at night!
  10. I was thinking of having pics of people's ponds in the next magazine, particularly if you have a pond that is made of something a little out of the ordinary - although ordinary is fine too! The idea is to give others ideas of ways to set up a pond. Please send me your pics, and any relevant details of said pond, ASAP. I might troll through the forum and add those I find here too. Hopefully nobody will mind their pond being shown. Many thanks, Caryl
  11. Here is my other Gary Larsen mug...
  12. As to answering your question, what you can add depends on why you want fish in the pond. If you want to see them, then stick to goldfish. Pretty much every other fish suitable for a pond will be too hard to see in a pond situation.
  13. A bit of a worry isn't it??? Here is the inside of the mug with a burnt patch I am sure will scrub out... I certainly hope so as it is one of my favourite mugs (both being Gary Larsen cartoons)! Rather appropriate come to think of it, considering my mishap!!! :rolfl:
  14. What happens if you put a mug with a teabag in it, in the microwave and turn it on - having forgotten to add the water to it? :facepalm: You burn your fingers when you grab the mug before you realise there is a problem. The opened microwave door starts the teabag smoking and then it smells out the house. The teabag continues to smoke and then catches fire... Luckily we had taken it outside at this point and thoroughly doused it in water on the concrete, away from anything else burnable.
  15. I thought Christchurch didn't have chlorine added to their water supply :dunno:
  16. Hi there and welcome. I think you have missed the latest Christchurch fish club meeting tonight :dno:
  17. Now we have all helped you with your homework Joe, we would like to know more details on what it is about and what the survey is for. :smln:
  18. In this case I suspect any journey that has taken you away from home is classified as a holiday.
  19. Just going by your avatar - aren't you a bit biased? :gigl:
  20. Had some difficulty this morning. We added an extension to the garage. It only has 1 roller door (not automatic either) and no windows. We have had trouble with the door since it was installed as it only has 2 positions, all the way closed or all the way up. When it is all the way up you have to stand on tippy toes to reach it and it locks into position. I went into this to get something out. On leaving, I stretched up to release the door and it came crashing down too quickly for me to grab and closed totally - and jammed - with me on the inside. There was no way I could open it! I was stuck alone, there is no power in the extension, and yelling didn't bring the neighbour to my aid (I doubt she could hear me). I was very grateful I had gone to the loo just before all this! I tried kicking SOS against the roller door, to no avail. I didn't have a mobile in my pocket either and it rather dark in there. I considered tooting the car horn but figured nobody would work out where the sound was coming from. Thank goodness I knew Grant (who would normally have left for work by now) had only gone to pick up a parcel from the courier and fill the car with fuel before returning so I was able to stem my immediate panic after convincing myself I was not going to run out of oxygen in there :bggrn: :facepalm: . Half an hour later, he finally got home and heard me yelling and kicking the door. Then discovered he couldn't open it either! It had jammed tight!!! :an!gry After much banging and jemmying with a crowbar, he managed to free the door - and me! I was so lucky I knew he was coming back as he could have been away until late at night, as usual. I think I will install a porta potty, my emergency Civil Defence supplies, a candle and a good book in there! Or just refuse to enter the garage again :-? I have also called the garage door company to get them to fix the problem ASAP!! I am now so upset, just remembering it, I think I will go in search of chocolate :dnc1:
  21. No Caper but it is for those who have holidayed in NZ. Done :thup:
  22. I can imagine! I didn't think my accident had affected me (we were not even injured but I wrote off the 4WD) but it certainly has. I am a lot less confident now and absolutely terrified of gravel roads.
  23. Old credit cards work well (new ones will too but it probably isn't good for them) on that hard spot algae
  24. Wow, sorry to hear that. How devastating &c:ry
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