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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I have been keeping fish for over 20 years Mickey but have never kept clowns
  2. That's good to hear Mickey. Wok, I only know what many have told me about clowns needing a well matured tank, I do not speak from personal experience. Sounds like Mickey's tank is fully cycled anyway and should be stable.
  3. Plecs grow really big and every time they move they tend to swipe a plant with their tail and uproot it. The rest of your selection there will be fine and not eat the plants.
  4. Your tank is newly set up isn't it Mickey? Clown loaches are very sensitive fish and need to go in to a well established aquarium that has been set up at least 6 months. They get white spot very easily but are sensitive to the medication for it so hard to treat. I think, if the tank is new, that you should ask the shop to take the clowns back for now or they will most likely die.
  5. Guppies need to be in 18C (64.4F) or higher. We can't help you with costs of equipment in the USA but I know a lot of people over there recommend an online place called Big Al's.
  6. Caryl


    That's all right, we forgive you. I'm sure you can't help it :lol:
  7. I think some have forgotten what it is like to be an enthusiastic 13 year old Mickey. Don't worry about it.
  8. Caryl


    Hi Brite and welcome. Whereabouts are you? Have a read through the livebearer section on problems others have been having with guppies lately and see if your trouble is the same.
  9. Alanmin's brineshrimp hatcher diagram
  10. I was figuring it would give him the incentive to work it out himself, rather than admit he had to ask me to do it
  11. Or email the pics and article to me [email protected] and I will do it for you.
  12. Looks to me like you tried to copy and paste but your finger slipped off the Ctrl key when you hit v.
  13. Once you have an online site set up to host your pics, it is easy and no great mission at all
  14. Those algae eaters are good at sucking the protective slime off fish
  15. Since I assume you didn't find a suicide note I am afraid you will never know why he jumped Fill the gaps with filter wool (dacron)
  16. Go to a glazier rather than a pet shop
  17. Mickey another site full of great information and help is The Tropical Tank and it is UK based. www.thetropicaltank.co.uk
  18. It is not a fast grower but can look really good when it gets to a big size and starts throwing off plantlets.
  19. Hi and welcome Rory. Good to hear you are working on fixing the problem How much room do you have for more tanks? :lol:
  20. Hi and welcome Antwan. I feel sorry for the spider :lol:
  21. Just remember, patience is the key and I hope you added those fish slowly! Mickey, check the date the message was posted
  22. Caryl

    algae problem

    All depends on what type of algae too. Fish are fussy
  23. Caryl

    Playful fish

    More colourful in fritters (a bit like Fairy Bread :lol: )
  24. Caryl

    Playful fish

    Nah, just don't eat neons or catfish :lol:
  25. Not infertile Shae, just need hormones injected to breed. Besides, Mickey isn't in NZ
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