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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I just use a net but don't rinse them.
  2. Fish love mossie larvae
  3. I have an old bath I use for soaking driftwood so I too always have plenty on hand when needed.
  4. Caryl


    A casserole is classier pene
  5. Caryl


    and Luke he is caserole (cos he can't spell) because his name is Stu
  6. Some couriers refuse to transport fish so it might be more of 'which courier will do it' rather than 'which one will I choose'
  7. Caryl

    Fish Killer

    Nice bit of driftwood too!
  8. Hi and welcome Keri. If they are that great surely one of them can identify your UFO :lol:
  9. Welcome to the fishroom. You might find some of us in the chat room around 9pm
  10. There is nothing as fascinating as watching adult discus serenely gliding by with fry clinging to their sides. Hope you reach this stage soon Staplez. Can't help wth advice as I have never kept discus.
  11. They are slow to grow and I understand they are not as nutritious when older. Most just use newly hatched ones to feed fry. Mine just grew in a container of salt water.
  12. You'd better keep an eye on him. With keeping 2 females going you wouldn't want him to die from exhaustion
  13. I too have sat a short fluoro economy bulb on the glass lid and covered it with a length of plastic guttering lined with aluminium foil. Works well and looks good. Lurk around a building site and chat up one of the builders. They are bound to have some offcuts for free
  14. I would suspect a 'what' rather than a 'who'. I think the damage seen may have been done after they died. Any chance of looking at guts and stuff under a microscope? Was there body damage as well? I would assume if they had been attacked by another fish they would show more damage rather than just missing fins.
  15. You didn't 'get lucky' it was a result of hard work and a lot of thought. Well done!
  16. Welcome to the fishroom and NZ. Yes, The Pet Warehouse is where to go to find out about the local club as they have their meetings there Marty (southern_man) is a member of the Dunedin club and can help you there too.
  17. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?t=2406
  18. How long has he been in the new tank with his new buddies? Is it possible he is being hassled by one of his 'mates'?
  19. Who's had himself a handy little Christmas then! :lol: Looking good.
  20. Depends on the plant and how much light the room gets as to whether you use any light at all but you certainly don't need uv. I use plain white fluoros (get the short economy type fluoros from the supermarket)
  21. Caryl

    Hi from Napier

    Welcome to the fishroom Bruce. You will have to join the Hawkes Bay Aquarium Society! You might be interested to know you are the second Bruce from Napier in here The other one owns Deco City Pets.
  22. Welcome to the fishroom richms 8)
  23. Many build their own or get a joiner to make wooded ones or an engineering company for steel ones.
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