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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Cath's link works for me now. Both pics loaded within 1sec but I have broadband I do not see what all the fuss is about. It is so simple to put a small pic in here and if you want then link it to a bigger image. Sorry about the meal Cees. Hope nobody suffered any ill effects. A friend of ours had a work trip organised to the local paintball game place. As arranged, 30 of them turned up - but nobody from the company did! At least it didn't involve food :lol: We are going out for a company meal in Nelson on Monday night so I hope we enjoy it. It is a restaurant out on the port road and supposed to have a good reputation so fingers crossed. Perhaps I will photograph the meal and post a thumbnail of it :lol:
  2. OK I went and had a look. Rona has the dreaded black brush algae!!!! :evil: Anyone managed to get rid of this without stripping the tank? The following is an excerpt from www.thekrib.com in a disucssion on how BBA overtook one man's tank, after no problems for 3 years, and his attempts to get rid of it... "It was an exasperating experience with many drastic measures taken (ie. UV water treatment for 3 weeks, Diatom filtering for days on end, assorted anti-algae treatments) lotsa advice was received but not much seemed to apply or work. From some of these rather radical tests did find out some interesting things about this BBA: It has shown to survive a temperature range to 40 deg (F) to about 125 deg (F) as long as it has light. Removal of light does not kill it it just suspends/retards its growth. If a pile of it is removed it emits a real foul and pugnet smell immediately. If you were to squish it between your fingers it seems to feel oily in texture. Old Gravel with BBA on it that was used as a covering on several outdoor window box planters, retarded or limited the growth of the assorted outdoor pansys that were normally planted in them. Old gravel that has wintered outdoors on the ground, put into a container with aquarium water and left in the sunshine, will exhibit new BBA growth within 4 - 6 weeks. Tests at a LFS of every algaecide that they had, showed at best only a mild retarding of growth. Water PH quality does not seem to affect its growth or propagation." I found some sites said Siamese algae eaters would eat it and others said nothing would. One man claimed to get rid of it using a syringe of hydrogen peroxide (although it also killed the plants). Another site says use of CO2 gets rid of it.
  3. All the well known brands are fine. Live foods are best for growth.
  4. Hey Cath I have tried your link but it says the page can't be displayed.
  5. Happy to come and look at it if you like Rona. Have you any live plants in the tank?
  6. Not having done this I really don't know but would have thought 24 hours would do it. Hopefully someone who has experience with this will add their 2 cents worth.
  7. The one time I used a banana skin, it formed a film on the surface and killed all my daphnia
  8. To get rid of what's left, put carbon in the filter. This will remove all remaining meds very quickly.
  9. Caryl

    Jude :)

    Gee my rosy barbs are getting around! Perhaps I ought to breed more. I thought I would try golden barbs in the pond this summer. Enjoy the barbs tsarmina. 8)
  10. They need rinsing (in a bucket using tank water) when they get clogged enough to slow the water current too much. If your filter has more than one sponge, rinse only one each time then you always have plenty of the good bacteria left to keep working.
  11. Fish like to sleep too. leave lights on all the time and you will have big algae problems. About 12 hours is usual. I use an auto timer to turn them on and off.
  12. The Warehouse is just up the road . He might to wander around in there.
  13. Speights Brewery is not far away from The Pet Warehouse
  14. My bristlenoses have never grown that big. I have 8+ in my 250L and the biggest female (who is over 7 years old) is about 10 - 12cm and the males are around 8cm.
  15. Your tank is not big enough for 1 plecostomus let alone 2. Assuming that is what they really are. If you mean bristlenose (Ancistrus sp.), which are often referred to as bristlenose plecs (but are not plecs at all) then they are fine.
  16. Not only have I already ordered but I have PAID too so I should get a bigger bonus than Blue :lol: :lol:
  17. If it is light green it will just be a normal little algae bloom, common in a new tank as it settles. It should sort itself out as the tank matures and the plants grow. An inbalance of nutrients and stuff will have caused it.
  18. I do know that thanks. It doesn't alter my reply.
  19. Your council will have their own regulations regarding pool fencing alanmin4304, they may differ from ours. It varies from council to council. Since the weed was neither bought, nor sold, it is legal. It came from the middle of the council's park . Our local waterways are all choked with it.
  20. It is legal plant (came out of the waterway that runs through the middle of the town). The bath is 300mm deep. Over 450mm and it requires fencing according to local bylaws. It ices over in winter but this is Marlborough so it only gets about 5mm at its thickest and thaws out quickly as the bath gets full sun most of the day. We are planning to landscape the whole front yard at long last and the planned pond will be about 5 x 7m. I will, of course, be taking photos of the whole procedure and doing an article in the Aquarium World 8)
  21. Welcome to NZ forsterfish. Sounds like a nice set-up you have there. Plenty of fellow cichlidiots here to talk to!
  22. Early2003 we dug a bath into the ground outside and filled it with water. When we set up the African tank, we cycled it using 4 goldfish around 8cm each. When the tank had cycled, we added the thermostat and threw the goldfish out into the pond (it was April and the outside water temperature was the same as that of the tank inside) where they have been ever since. They have lots of oxygen weed, green water and insects dropping in. We have never fed them. At the height of last summer we found 1 dead and suspected lack of oxygen but the others were OK. Yesterday I looked outside to see quite a few good sized fry basking at the surface! Guess I'd better look into getting the main pond built - we have been talking about it for about 20 years now :lol: and this is part of mum by the looks of it...
  23. Gee who's counting the fry before they're hatched? :lol:
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