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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Curt's plantgeek site is an amazing resource. I often recommend it.
  2. Caryl

    any ideas ??

    Are you able to do a post mortem? Having a look at the internal bits under a microscope may give some clues. If swim bladder, it is possible the food may have caused a problem.
  3. Of course you would be sent a copy! Looking forward to the finished article.
  4. Still sounds like classic algae bloom to me
  5. Not only could you put the whole process in here as a topic but if you wrote an article (with pics) I would be happy to print it in our magazine The NZ Aquarium World
  6. Caryl

    sick betta

    Check the date on the original query Luke :lol: Hard to tell what you have without a pic.
  7. Caryl

    sick betta

    Depends on what sort of plecostomus it is. If it is actually a bristlenose catfish then it is Ancistrus sp. A large plecostomus is usually Hypostomus plecostomus and a reddish spotted one with a large dorsal fin (aka red sailfin plec) is Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps
  8. Angels can be very quiet or very aggressive depending on the individual fish. A group of angels is less likely to have an aggressive one than 1 or 2 on their own. Generally speaking tetras can hold their own with angels
  9. Caryl

    sick betta

    Betta splendens is the scientific name for the Siamese fighting fish you were talking about in another thread casey05 (or I think it was you )
  10. The flowing fins on a Siamese fighter are very inviting to other short finned fish and they will nibble away at them constantly. They are also kept separately to stop the males fighting with other males. Personally I think Siamese Fighters should be kept in a species only tank and not mixed with other fish but others would disagree.
  11. Looking great! Interesting rock in the 2nd pic.
  12. Sorry to hear about Dude. If you believe in a Heaven then it will be there
  13. Also possible it is a small algae bloom caused by the clean-out upsetting the balance temporarily. It should disappear after a few days.
  14. Hi Copper and welcome. Good luck too with the NCEA. Did you know there is a fish club in the Wairarapa? They meet the 1st Thursday of the month at the Masterton Intermediate Science Centre (opp. end of Michael St) 7.30pm. Club fees are $25 family, $20 senior or $15 for a junior (still at school). Ring the president, Marion, 378 8163 or perhaps John (he is retired so may be easier to get hold of) 378 2533. Tell them Caryl sent you :lol: PS. You NEVER need an excuse to get another tank. Tell the family they make great Christmas presents
  15. Yes it is normal. They are a shoaling fish that need bigger numbers to settle down. With just 3 they will constantly fight for their place in the pack. You may lose 1 or 2 if it continues.
  16. They probably know that with the speed at which your fish breed, they have to be free swimming as fast as possible to make room for the next batch! :lol:
  17. Welcome Casey (from one who is well past being a teenager :lol: ) I would remove the carbon and not bother with it for full time use. You could use the money you save on not replacing it on other fishy stuff
  18. I WAS going to ask permission first - honest! :lol:
  19. Something destroyed the star grass I had in my tank. I thought it was the barbs but now wonder..
  20. Oh WOW Paul. Brilliant pics as usual. I am starting to think the only pics on the AW covers are going to be yours in the future as the quality is just outstanding!
  21. Caryl

    Killie eggs

    No there isn't but there are various fish clubs around the country. The NZKA is the only club to specialise in a specific fish (although we do have the online poecilia club but not sure what is happening to that lot and they have yet to be organised enough to affiliate it appears). There has been talk of restarting the Invercargill club but nobody seems to be willing to start the ball rolling. You can join a club from elsewhere if there is none near you. Dunedin would be closest and they have an excellent newsletter they would post to you. Even if you were unable to travel to meetings you would still have that contact (and membership to the FNZAS).
  22. Caryl

    loose Braces

    I realise the topic here is 'loose braces' but if I may digress a little I wondered, since you say you are from Israel (I assume you are actually living IN it as well), do you have a good selection of fish and corals etc over there?
  23. She has so little plant left, mainly Java fern, that it wouldn't mattre wok. Rona, I don't think I have ever seen SAEs in our garden centre shop. You also have to be careful as some that are sold as SAE are not at all but look almost identical, unless you know what to look for. One of them has the black stripe right through the body and the other doesn't but I can't remember which was which! I will be in Nelson tomorrow Rona and will check the fish shops there. If they have some I will get a couple if you like. Corys are Corydoras catfish. Most common are albino or leopard cats. Do a Google on Corydoras aeneus and C paleatus as they are the 2 most likely to be found in our local establishment. There are many others as well with a variety of different patterns and markings.
  24. Hi Lisa and welcome to NZ 8)
  25. Caryl

    Killie eggs

    Simple. The NZKA is a postal group only who share information, eggs and fish (all killies of course). They meet once a year for their AGM and often have a fish show at the same time. Great fun. I have attended a couple of them as we used to have the FNZAS exec meets at the same time and place when several people were members of both. They are dedicated to keeping the species alive and growing in NZ. They are affiliated to the FNZAS so all NZKA members also get free Aquarium World magazines and a Year Book plus the discounts offered by some retailers exclusively to FNZAS members.
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