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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I just scrub mine out with salt and water then rinse well. You can also use bleach but again, good rinsing is essential.
  2. 10L is a bucket! Way too small for goldfish to grow in.
  3. Tanks have a slight 'earthy' smell but should not smell stale. How do you know the water quality is good? Have you tested using proper testkits? I gather you have 2 fantails. How big are they and what size is the tank? Have you got plants and/or gravel in there too? What sort of filter are you running? How long has the tank been set up? All these questions will help pinpoint possible trouble.
  4. Send a PM to pies or ask the question in the saltwater section. Many in there do not read the freshwater bits. Pies lives in Wgtn, has a large marine tank well worth visiting, and is an experienced diver so will know places to go.
  5. Caryl


    Hi and welcome. I hope you have a good sized tank for those fish as goldfish need space. They are also very messy so good filtration is important.
  6. Caryl


    I leave my fish with no food for up to 2 weeks regularly but my tank is well established. Why not feed them once or twice a week while away? Put the right amount of food in small containers (1 for each day) with the day written on them. Pill bottles work well or small plastic bags. The people feeding the cat could then just dump the contents in on the required day. Hide the rest of the fishfood so they are not tempted to add more. This method will have less chance of overfeeding or the food block fouling the tank. (Oops. Didn't see your reply Jo :oops: )
  7. Caryl


    Bound to be planaria and a sign of overfeeding. I would not put a feeding shell in the tank and just leave them with no food for the 2 weeks you are away. A lot less planaria when you return How big is the tank and how many, and what, fish do you have in it?
  8. I have seen them made using ice cream containers too.
  9. Caryl

    mixing fish

    Synodontis cope in African tanks against those cichlids so I am sure goldfish would be a breeze.
  10. I used to have 2 axolotls in a 60 x 30 x 30cm tank. They did not have a tunnel or cave to hide in and were perfectly happy. They had an UGF too and plain aquarium gravel as substrate.
  11. John Crouch in Wgtn has bred them both. He belongs to the Wgtn Aq & WG Soc. He doesn't belong to The Fishroom though
  12. Caryl


    That looked neat! Busy happy fish in there. Thanks for going to the effort of setting it up.
  13. Caryl


    Congratulations but you still haven't answered my question about how your human breeding is going!
  14. I can't see the light. I think I have been blinded! :lol: 8)
  15. Yeah I was going to ask where you got a live bearing Betta from too :lol: Cool pics.
  16. I threw them all in a pond with lots of oxygen weed and left them to it. Lots of plant meant a fair numbre of fry survived (as you know as they are the ones you now have).
  17. Who needs to visit an optician then? :lol: Drives you nuts doesn't it? I remember cleaning out the filter once and not realising fast enough that some of the brown gunk going down the plughole was actually baby bristlenoses
  18. You have been lucky with your angel then Mickey. Many others have not had the same luck! Some angels, especially lone ones, can get quite territorial as they age.
  19. I would get water from a known good source. I would suspect the water or pipes in the house.
  20. Mickey he was trying to help you. Discus are expensive fish and harder to keep than many others. Considering the questions you have been asking, his suggestion you get more experience first is a good one. We would say it to anybody, not just to you because we think you are 'stupid'. This is not the case. You can't have looked very hard if you could not find any information on water hardness. Just type 'hard and soft water in aquariums' into Google and you will find plenty of information. Read http://faq.thekrib.com/begin-chem.html
  21. You can use salt on goldfish. Stop trying to adjust the pH. Goldfish are tolerant of a wide range and they will be used to that. Lots of water changes should alter it slowly and help the fish recover. Are the white spots only on their gills? If so, it is actually possible you have 3 males ready for action rather than a case of white spot. I rescued some fish in a pond the other day, brought them and the pond to my place. They got a total water change as the water was dark green and stank. As soon as they were in the fresh water they started chasing the female and get very active! Melafix will help the fins.
  22. They're the Canterbury Aquarium and Pond Society actually Marcel said everyone welcome. Grant and I were at the last one as our club, Marlborough, had our meeting at Marcel's. Check out the plywood tank he is building too - he's doing a great job on it.
  23. ... and nothing to do with posting pictures! :lol:
  24. Caryl


    Aren't they egg layers? Fatter bodies generally means females. To my knowledge inanga spawn in reeds at the edges of waterways, but don't quote me on that. 8)
  25. I am afraid plec poo is a universal problem for plec owners. They are well known as poo machines. Think of it as good fertiliser for the plants
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