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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. First tank I have seen where the fish put up posters on the wall :lol: Nice discus!! 8)
  2. Reminds me of my brother's car - he had mushrooms growing in the wheel well in the boot! :lol:
  3. It isn't how many plugs but how much current the appliances are drawing.
  4. Read this lot... http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/Algae/cyanobacteria.html Very interesting. I resorted to Erythromycin in the end as nothing else worked. It worked quickly and the cyano hasn't returned. I got the cyano initially from infected plants. I did not find it had any effect that I could see on the filter bacteria. Some claim (read the above link) that the bacteria in the filter are different so are not affected and it is actually the dying cyano that causes the ammonia spikes. I hauled the dying stuff out as fast as possible. Ended up with a cyano free tank, no cycling problems and no fatalities. PM me you name and address and I can send you some Erythromycin (pays to have Drs for friends )
  5. What goes around comes around they say Perhaps whoever said that keeps fish :lol:
  6. OK you Gisbornites. There has been a suggestion you start your own fish club rather than travel through to Napier for meetings. What about it? Keen to give it a go?
  7. Caryl


    Hi and welcome skate. I suggest you join the Hawkes Bay Aquarium Society (contact Warren in here as he is a member).
  8. The tank may also go through a 'mini cycle' but should be fine.
  9. Hi Apryl and welcome. Lots of axolotl owners here. Use the Search feature at the top of the page, it comes up with hundreds of threads on axolotls.
  10. I didn't think any would pay out for livestock. Anyway, best thing to do is just cover the tanks with a blanket to keep as much heat in as possible. At this time of year it isn't a problem. Slow temperature drops aren't too bad and most fish cope. It is the filters that are the problem if too many bacteria die off - and they start to do so after 20 minutes. Keep a close eye for signs of whitespot for the next week or 2.
  11. Also what size is the tank, how long has it been set up, what else is in it (fish-wise)? A sunken belly makes me think internal parasites.
  12. I might post an updated pic of my tank once I clean it out - so much green algae on the front you can't see the fish! I have recently added Java fern to mine with no problems so far.
  13. I think one or two people may just have ponds. :lol: :roll:
  14. Caryl

    hello from tga

    You could start a club locally :lol: . Sounds like there could be quite a few of you there. One of my own club members is in Te Puke too. As Alan said, the NZKA is postal only. Quite a few clubs now send out the majority of their newsletters via email so you could just join the nearest. Haven't got a map handy, umm what's nearest? :roll: Let's see, clubs in Hawkes Bay, Hamilton, Auckland. One of them would be suitable but you can join any affiliated club nationwide. Makes sense to join the nearest as occasionally you may be able to visit them on meeting night and put a face to names.
  15. Are you sure they haven't hatched? They are very hard to see if you do not have 20/20 vision. Just a shimmer in the water.
  16. Caryl

    Scale Loss

    I too would suspect he is knocking scales off on a sharp object in the tank.
  17. Caryl

    Two Questions

    I would expect them to cross breed (my opinion only, I have no experience with these fish)
  18. Angels like laying eggs on internal filters :roll:
  19. Goldfish tend to destroy many plants because they nibble away at the base which kills off the rest. Go to your local park or clean waterway and get some oxygen weed from the streams. Otherwise, I found Java fern and water sprite were about the only two plants that lasted any time at all with my goldfish 8)
  20. Hard boiled yolk goes mushy when wet
  21. Probably drunk guys having peeing contests off the end of the wharf
  22. If you put a bit of yolk in a hankie or muslin then squeezed it in the water, the yolk goes through the material. Be very careful though as egg yolk fouls a tank very quickly!
  23. Caryl

    hello from tga

    Welcome from me too. I would like to point out though that just because this is the FNZAS website, belonging to The Fishroom does not make you a member of the FNZAS. You need to join an affiliated club to belong and get membership privileges.
  24. I used a plastic 1kg empty peanut butter jar. Make a hole in the lid big enough to fit an airline tube through. Put a diffuser on the end of it. Make a wire handle around the neck of the jar so you can hang it over the edge of your main tank so extra heating not required. Half fill the jar with required salt mix and eggs, turn the pump on to aerate well and wait. When I wanted naupli, I just turned the air hose off, waited for it all to settle, then used a turkey baster to suck up the naupli which were hovering in the middle. These I squirted into a white hanky over another jar so I could then rinse then drop them into the fry tank by dipping the hanky in. The rest of the mixture from the batser got poured back into the jar and the pump turned back on.
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