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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. It will not go stagnant over a week or 2 Caper.
  2. I would not expect the snails to have that much effect on wcmm unless your tank was totally over-run with them. It may be the warmer temps slowing down the fish breeding.
  3. Caryl

    Am I learning?

    Filters are not actually a necessity. With a well balanced, heavily planted tank, low stocking levels, and regular maintenance (which most of us don't have) a filter is not required. It is recommended though, especially for newbies. Pumps also power under gravel filters, as Jude said, plus box and sponge filters. Air control valves are also used when you have several filters running off one pump. With different lengths of tubing they need the air regulated so all pump the right amount of air through. They can also be used to slow down the air flow if it is making the filter too noisy with too many bubbles coming through too fast. The kind of filter you have is personal but can also depend on the type of fish you have. Many fish like to dig in the substrate so you would not use an under gravel filter. Fish producing fry need a filter the fry won't get sucked up into. Fish who do not like strong currents (like discus, bubble nesters etc) also need gentler filtration whereas the ones who live in fast flowing streams need all the current they can get - and a powerhead would help there. That is an excellent site Caper.
  4. and so it starts... :lol: You have a long way to catch up with billaney though!
  5. It sounded like whatever was wrong it was too far gone for any help. Sorry.
  6. Congratulations. Now they have started you won't stop them! :lol:
  7. What thoughtful parents :lol: I think Ira will tell you more children should be eaten
  8. Caryl


    Being squeamish, I would just treat him without attempting to burst anything
  9. We take hundreds and delete most of em
  10. Neat. Can you tell me which pic is which? These are not fish I have or know much about. I gather the 1st pic is the Texas cichlid. Is the 2nd salvini fry?
  11. Caryl


    The only thing I can find to match says "black or brown nodules appear on or between the fin rays and at their bases". If the fish isn't wild caught (and I assume, being a convict, it isn't) then it goes on to say "this might involve small lesions. Wait for further developments". If the lesion can be ruptured and it then discharges pus it could be a bacterial infection. Isolate the fish (if you lose the fry they will soon produce more) and treat with a bacterial medication.
  12. So when Luke suggested pictus cat you suddenly knew it was actually rainbow shark? :lol: Good to know you have finally worked out what it is Chakuna.
  13. Fish are tolerant of quite a range Anthony and his temp is not too high. Mine is higher in this hot weather and the fish are fine. As the temp rises, the oxygen level drops so this must be fixed.
  14. Hope you get the downloads to work. You aded something to the water then?
  15. Caryl

    2 black sharks

    That's good to hear. I gather it very much depends on the sharks' personalities. Perhaps you have 2 females who are less aggressive. Did they also grow up together? That can make a difference too.
  16. Try adding an airstone. Possibly oxygen levels are a bit low at that temp. The discus might be sulking as a result of the major plant removal. Adding Stresscoat wouldn't hurt but I think the discus will perk up in a day or 2.
  17. How big is it chakuna (who I think is a he)? Is it a top, middle or bottom feeder?
  18. Caryl


    Some fish will survive a few hours out of water Caper. My bristlenose certainly managed over 2 hours when I stripped that tank and didn't see him in the huge clump of plant I hauled out and left on a tray on the floor. That was about 5 years ago and he is still alive and well back in the tank.
  19. This thread has gone way off topic and split in all sorts of directions (and got personal again) so I am locking it.
  20. Caryl

    2 black sharks

    I wouldn't do it if I were you. Or, if you do, have somewhere else to put it if things go wrong.
  21. The game is just that - a game for fun. I believe Chakuna has a genuine query in wanting to find out what his particular fish actually is. I will leave this here so if he comes up with a fuller description or pic, someone might manage to work out what he has, but will delete the thread in the fun section.
  22. There is already an extensive thread on setting up cold water marine in the saltwater section. Check it out.
  23. I just had the AquaClear on mine for 2 years with no problems (I never use carbon).
  24. and you managed to get her to pose and smile for the camera! :lol:
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