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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Augmentin is amoxycillin and clavulanic acid - a penicillin
  2. Caryl


    They actually inject them
  3. A lot of meds you have to get for humans as little is here in the way of animal meds as far as I know. Erythromycin is available if you know a friendly Dr or chemist. AKA Eromycin and E-Mycin. Minocycline is too and may also be found under Minomycin or Minotabs. Again, human meds.
  4. Looking good kookie. Some of the plants will need moving as they grow though. I would suggest you move the heater down and left a bit (as you look at the tank) so hide it more. Heat rises too so the lower the heaterstat the better.
  5. They will not starve over 2 days. It does pay to let them settle a day or 2 before feeding though.
  6. Caryl

    Worming fishies

    If it ain't broke don't fix it 8)
  7. Caryl


    Dyeing fish and genetically modifying them are totally different things and I am not debating the pros and cons. Dyed fish are injected with dyes. It is painful for the fish and they do not live very long after having been injected.
  8. Welcome Rebecca. You sound very busy! What have you had success with, or failures, when fish breeding?
  9. I never managed to see the eggs they were so tiny and my eyesight isn't 20/20 :roll:
  10. Caryl


    look here http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/convic ... 11414.html
  11. Since I am at work so have access to the information... Trichozole is metronidazole Flagyl is metronidazole plus sugar, ethanol & hydroxybenzoates You can also get metronidazole in an oil in water cream base for topical applications. It is called Rozex. Not sure if you can catch discus and apply a cream directly to the fish.
  12. So how long did the paperwork take? :lol: PS. I am sure yours looks bigger
  13. Caryl

    Sailfin Plecos

    Quite a few fish don't breed in captivity because we cannot replicate their natural conditions.
  14. The change in food would have altered the ammonia etc levels too because there would be more waste and leftovers than when they had live food.
  15. As far as I know females will lay eggs whether there is a male in there or not. I just cleaned out my Malawi tank today (totally removed everything) and found 2 different sized spawnings of electric yellows but no Borleyi's. I suspect mine are all the same sex.
  16. Caryl


    I had a danio with dropsy last year. This was the first time I had seen dropsy in over 20 years of fishkeeping. Then, helping set up a new member with danios a couple of weeks ago, he had one get dropsy too! We both only had one fish affected but I believe it is contagious.
  17. Caryl

    Blind goldfish???

    If it was blindness I would expect to see a change in the eyes. I too would wonder if he is actually not interested in eating for some reason.
  18. Caper we have artesian water here so no chlorine added 8) Not everyone elsewhere in NZ is so lucky.
  19. Welcome Vicki. Good luck with the seahorses.
  20. They will do so all by themselves with no effort from you. Fry will be very hard to see and will cling to the sides of the tank or plants. Shine a torch down from above and their eyes will reflect in the light.
  21. Didn't realise it was saltwater and of course tanksman brings up a valid point - the water has to be treated before it can go down the drain doesn't it? Sorry can't help. :-?
  22. Not sure why space would be an issue and why you think you would need another 20,000 container to set up a continuous supply. You attach the hose to the tap and have it running continually at a controlled rate that matches the water flowing out. Water is being changed continually.
  23. It is my understanding that most people with a tank that size would have a continuous water change system set up whereby the water is always being added and removed at a steady rate. Depends on your water supply though.
  24. Chlorine will dissipate if the water is left to sit a day or 2. It will dissipate faster if you aerate the water. We do not have chloramines in our water in NZ so it is not an issue with us.
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