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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl


    Welcome to your both. Please add your location to your profile so it is easier to help you.
  2. They need to be submerged to work. I have my noodles in the bottom with the sponge sitting on top.
  3. With that depth I would have an external canister plus be inclined to add an undergravel filter as well to get circulation right through the tank. You will need to add an extension to the canister uplift as you want the tube as low as possible.
  4. Caryl


    How long has the tank been cycled? Bristlenoses need a reasonably mature tank so they have something to graze on. The cherries would still be happier in a group and look better. One or 2 don't show their colours like a big group of them. I wouldn't be adding any more to your list either.
  5. Caryl

    Hi everyone

    Hi and welcome Andre. You really ought to join a local club as they have many breeders among them. Kapi-Mana club is hosting the FNZAS conference this year too - a great opportunity to meet fishkeepers from around the country.
  6. Having looked through my fancy aquarium plant handbook, I think it looks more like Echinodorus argentinensis because of the leaf shape but I am no plant expert. A lot of the E. sp are hybrids anyway.
  7. I too like the AquaClears. I have the sponge and Siporax noodles in mine.
  8. Caryl

    Flow rates

    I am running 2 Jebo 819s, a Fluval 404 (was 2 of them but one has bit the dust) and an Eheim wet/dry. Of the lot, I love the Jebo best. Runs well and silently. I have to put my hand on it to feel the vibrations to check it is actually running. The Fluvals are forever blocking and water flow reduces dramatically after 2 days running. They are also difficult to get apart, then restart. The Eheim I wouldn't touch with a 10 ft barge pole. My 819's run on 4ft tanks and I have just bought a 3rd one for my son's tank which is a smaller 92cm x 41 x 46.5. You will have no trouble finding them in ChCh I am sure. I bought mine from Deco City Pets in Napier as they had them on special and freighted it down to me.
  9. Caryl


    The angel would attack the bettas rather than the other way around.
  10. They may also be part of a plant root system. What sort of plants do you have? Lyndy's suggestion of fertiliser balls is a good one. Eggs wouldn't float, or be that big, or that colour.
  11. Caryl


    Barbs, tetras, danios, rasboras, gouramis, rainbows. Anything fast with short fins.
  12. Do I look like a vet to you? :roll: :lol: . I have no idea how to try it. I thought perhaps it might feel obvious once you wiggled it. Whether or not you hurt him is a moot point since I am sure he is not comfortable as he is and won't survive without intervention since he can't eat. Putting dislocated bits back in humans hurts, and so does the dislocation itself, so don't think about the pain you may cause, just hope you can get his mouth to shut again. If you can't see the jaw is obviously out to one side or the other that leaves moving it forwards, or backwards. Good luck. Rather you than me! 8)
  13. Perhaps he has dislocated his jaw. Have you tried catching him and wriggling his mouth a bit? :-?
  14. I suspect dotphoto doesn't allow linking
  15. Perhaps if you had contained your excitement until morning they would have shown a little more enthusiasm :lol:
  16. Check there is nothing stuck in there.
  17. The externals hold more media so can grow more beneficial bacteria and don't take up room in the tank.
  18. Cool! Baby BNs are out and about a lot more than some fry.
  19. External canister filter of some sort. I like Jebo.
  20. Caryl

    Amazon Tank

    Absolutely gorgeous freshwest. Well done. An inspiration to us all.
  21. Day 5. Not much to see today. They have started replacing the verandah deck and staining the pergola.
  22. Lyndy is right abuot the males sometimes getting white spots by the gills when erady to bered and the females being fatter. Try looking at the fish from above. The males are all dead straight through the body to the tails but the females will be a little fatter on one side or the other making their tails look like they are off centre a bit. The goldfish will attempt to spawn whenever the weather is warm enough - usually Nov - March. If you have only one female in there then she will be getting exhausted. Try separating her if possible (they spawn and lay eggs on the underside of lily pads) or just keep an eye on her as the temp is starting to drop now so they should ease off the chasing soon.
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