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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I have bought 3 Jebo 819s so far and am impressed. How they go long-term I will have to wait and see. The oldest is just over 12 months now and only cleaned once (thought we ought to do so but it didn't really need it). I believe the Fluvals have a 3 year warranty. The cheaper Jebo's only have 1 year.
  2. Even when you think the glass is clean you get the photo up on the screen and it has reflected streaks and blobs all over the place! :roll:
  3. Caryl


    Any filter that runs outside the tank is called an external filter. This includes canister and hang on the back filters. I would recommend an external canister filter like the Jebo 819, Fluvals and Eheim types. These usually come with media in them, special ceramic noodles which have a very large porous surface area excellent for growing the good bacteria. We found the Jebo very easy to set up, runs silently, and rarely needs cleaning. Our Fluvals clog up regularly and are noisier, and our Eheim was a dud from the start (but that is just the wet'dry model - NEVER BUY ONE! I understand all other Eheims are excellent, although a lot more expensive than the rest. These canister filters have spray bars to return the water to the tank so spread the flow evenly along the surface. To lessen the flow you can turn the bars so the holes face towards the back of the tank so lessen the flow if required. You do not need to worry about the cords getting wet unless they hang in such a way that water can run down them into the electrical socket. 200L doesn't sound big enough for all the fish you want though.
  4. Caryl

    New Tank

    White is not a good colour as it makes the fish go pale and never show their colours well.
  5. I would wonder about spawning too as it isn't all of them and the ones involved did a lot of circling around each other.
  6. What a difference clean glass makes! :lol: Lovely looking fish.
  7. OK. Latest update - sometime this week the landscapers installed the ballcock. Well, I assume they did as the pond level is now up where it should be and I hear the occasional "thunk" of an airlock in the pipes.
  8. Give them a couple of days to sort themselves out.
  9. Caryl

    unwell angel

    I don't know if the meds alter the pH but DON'T USE pH Up stuff!! You need to find out what is causing the drop. pH Up will probably only work temporarily and resulting pH swings will stress the fish out more than a constant low pH will.
  10. 1 leopard cory (refugee. I must buy him some friends) 3 hoplos unknown number of Ancistrus (at least 3 but unknown since thermostat incident)
  11. Caryl

    Heat Pads

    Note I only gave the name as a lpace to get what is needed. I gave no address or phone details. They can be found in the phone book. I think they need the tank footprint too. We didn't use tinfoil and we used Pinex which we sat on top of the poly. Sorry guys, just realised I forgot to email the details to you last night. Tonight perhaps! I am at work so will send myself a reminder. :roll:
  12. I am surprised the peace lily has lasted so long. They are not an aquatic plant and usually rot once submerged. They look great to start with though 8)
  13. Caryl

    stocking levels

    That was my thinking too billaney 8)
  14. OK, tank is 92cm x 41 x 46 high and has a Jebo 819 filter. Current stock... 3 gouramis 3 angels The smaller ones are hard to count but I think it's: about 8 zebra danios 6 Glowlight Danios 6 harlequins 6 hengeli rasboras 7 serpae tetras 7 neons 2 algae eaters (BNs I assume) 2 corys They would like to add a pair of rams eventually but the current question is, could they add more zebra danios? They are pretty close to capacity stocking level but that filter is larger than required for a tank that size. They are very good at doing regular weekly water changes. Opinions please.
  15. Caryl

    Heat Pads

    Do you mean Argus Heating Alan? They are the ones who helped us work out ohms and heatsealed the resulting wiring. Very helpful people there (or they were when we dealt with them about 10 years ago :lol: )
  16. I have never found my BNs to fight except to chase each other away from food. They are certainly never serious about it and don't cause damage when they do. If they are thinking of breeding they will be chasing each other then the male will be looking for somewhere to look after the eggs, like a hollow log or cave.
  17. Hang On the Back - like Whisper and AquaClear
  18. Caryl

    Sad Day

    Did you buy other kribs at the same time? Just be aware that if you bought a group of fish, they will no doubt be siblings so when one dies, the rest will not be far behind. People sometimes think they have some sort of disease in the tank when all their neons, or barbs etc start dying within days of each other but the other fish seem fine. It is just that they are all a similar old age. Sorry about your fish. One of the fish I lost recently in my thermostat accident was an 8 year old BN.
  19. The gold is just a colour morph so yes, it can breed with the others. It would be good to get a combination that looked like hokey pokey :lol:
  20. Caryl

    Heat Pads

    OK, at work at mo but will email you tonight (if I remember). Note that if you burn the house down as a result of your heatpad starting a fire, insurance will not cover you if the pad was not done by a certified electrical worker.
  21. NO do not turn it off! What sort of filter is it? We need to know so we know why the water gurgles. Raise the water level, lower the filter, reduce the air flow. All these are possible depending on the filter type.
  22. Simple box filters will do the job
  23. Welcome Doug. Joining the club would be good - a good source of parts etc
  24. Remember the plants will prefer slightly acidic conditions though
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