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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl


    Lime makes it fizz and lime will raise your pH.
  2. Caryl

    Is this true?

    You do not want a thick layer of substrate. It is too much substrate than can cause problems. 5cm thick is enough for the filter and for plants to grow well. Goldfish and ugf's do not mix. Nor do any other fish that like to burrow in the substrate.
  3. Caryl

    Hey Guys!!!

    So many fish to choose from. How many tanks can you fit in your house? :lol:
  4. Caryl


    Why buy rocks when you are surrounded by free ones? :-?
  5. Caryl


    I have never boiled any rocks I have put in my aquariums, just scrubbed the muck off. Depends where you collect them of course. There may be residual farm sprays or stuff on them.
  6. Caryl

    Is this true?

    Very interesting. I am an advocate of UGF in small tanks (2ft or less) cos they are cheap and easy. I have never had any adverse problems while using one, nor have I had a tank 'crash', nor have I ever had to strip an ugf due to clogging - never had one clog. They have been used successfully for many many years and there is a place for them, I believe, in aquarium keeping.
  7. Found this... GYRODACTYLUS (Skin fluke) and the DACTYLOGYRUS (Gill fluke) Flukes cause Ulcer Disease. Other parasites can transmit and cause ulcerations, but none so effectively as the pathogenic trematode, or FLUKE. Assume that if you're treating bacterial infections, you also have concurrent infection with Flukes. The flukes are easy to diagnose with a microscope. However, they are also easy to treat using Malachite Green and Formalin or Potassium permanganate is also excellent and used at the rate of 1.5 grams per ton (220 Gallons) - but it is even more important to ensure good volumes of water changes after using this medication.
  8. Yes the 'koi' refers to the colouration pattern.
  9. The lfs does not usually have polystyrene sheets. Try a whiteware seller they might have a good size from packing around freezers and stuff. I have a polystyrene factory next door to me 8)
  10. The thing to watch with HOB filters is the water level. If you can keep it up by the lip of the filter they are fine and virtually silent but with lower water levels you get the sound of falling water.
  11. You cannot shift a tank with water still in it. Too much stress on the glass (unless it is a very small one). What size is it? Put the water into containers along with the fish. A move of that distance will not be a problem as you just set it all up again at the other end. Leave the gravel and plants in it, unless it is too heavy. The plants will cope out of the water for a couple of hours.
  12. Caryl

    Ich in 1100L Pond!!

    White spot means the fish are stressed. You can remove them from the pond and treat them but unless you identify the cause it will recur. The plastic bins will be fine and should be OK without a pump but you will need to do regular partial water changes. If the fish start gasping at the surface it is a sign of lack of oxygen. With so few fish in a pond that size it will recycle easily when the fish are returned. Seems odd to me the fish are getting white spot at this time of year. They should be semi-hibernating at the bottom of the pond. I hope you are not feeding them at this time. Goldfish shut down their digestive systems at 10C and below and do not need to eat until it is a lot warmer. Take this opportunity to clean out the pond, check the bottom for rotting matter and clean out the filter (including the impeller). Only ever use one medication at a time, do not be tempted to treat with something else "just to make sure". Salt will kill your plants. Keep the fish out of the pond for 2 weeks minimum. Not sure how much the white spot cycle slows down in cold water.
  13. Caryl

    Heat Pads

    It needs to be evenly spread over the whole base of the tank or you will have problems with stress fracturing the glass. Also, the pet pad does not have a thermostat on it so you would have to check what temperature you ended up with.
  14. Yeah I would love to see piranha in our waterways :roll:
  15. Caryl

    New Tank

    If you have a properly set up and maintained tank that has cycled you should not need any other products at all (unless you have chlorine in your water). Some people cycle a tank by slowly adding a few hardy fish. As they produce waste, this is drawn into the filter where good bacteria grow to turn the waste into nitrites then nitrates. This is cycling. As you slowly add more fish, the waste grows slowly too and so does the bacteria in proportion. A fishless cycle uses pure ammonia (many in supermarkets have additives) instead of getting the ammonia from fish wastes. Do one or the other, not both.
  16. Caryl

    New Tank

    DO NOT USE THE AMMONIA REMOVER as it will stuff up your cycle and give false test readings.
  17. Caryl

    Newbie Questions

    When did you sign up? FNZAS cards usually go out about August, when the Year Book goes out. They get sent bulk to club secretaries, as a result of capitations being paid, and it is their job to see individual members receive them.
  18. Caryl

    Beginners Cichlids

    Rams are popular at the moment
  19. Caryl

    Beginners Cichlids

    Too small for electric yellows isn't it?
  20. Depends on your camera antwan
  21. You don't need to interview me seahorsemad as I assure you I am fully qualified and got in first with the offer to carry the bags so you have to pick me. :bounce:
  22. and why dig if you don't have to??? 8)
  23. VERY clean glass. Do it at night and turn all room lights off but have as much light shining in the tank as possible. Sit the camera on a tripod or box to keep it as still as possible. If using a flash, aim slightly at an angle to avoid flashback. Train fish to line up at the front of the tank and smile. :lol: (or superglue them to the front glass - JUST KIDDING!!)
  24. Caryl

    New Tank

    Technically I believe it is illegal but nobody minds if you just sneak a bit. If you backed up with a massive truck and front end loader you might get into trouble though!
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