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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. A pond doesn't have to be clear to breed anything. In fact, they do better in green water
  2. Note the edit (thanks Alan). I meant you should NOT need tablets to keep a pond clear :oops:
  3. Caryl


    Obviously you should have asked for more 8)
  4. Be nice if you took the capslock off please IOU1, we aren't deaf! The water in a pond will go green if too much sunlight or too many nutrients. Ways to help keep the water clear are to make sure about 2/3 of the surface area is covered in plants. Shade cloth over the pond helps too. It is almost time to start feeding pond fish again (I hope). Goldfish semi hibernate once the water temp drops below 10C so do not eat during this time. Once the lowest temp overnight doesn't drop below this, it is time to slowly start feeding small amounts again. Wind movement will do nothing for or against algae (or anything else), unless your pond is hit by a tornado. In which case you will not need to empty the pond as it will already be so. You should NOT need to use tablets to keep a pond clean. How large is it? A filter may help. The fish will spawn in the summer months. If the tablets are to kill algae then they will also affect plants as plants are just a higher form of algae (or algae is a lower form of plant ) You can try the barley straw trick too. The Feb '04 Aquarium World had instructions in it about how it works and how much you need. Whitecloudes and leoparfish will survive warmer months in the pond but for many areas it gets too cold in winter, although covering the pond would help. The trouble with both these species is they are small and hard to see from above so tend to disappear when viewed from above in a pond situation. Leopardfish particularly are hard to see in a pond because of their colouring.
  5. Caryl

    Drift wood

    This has been answered before. I just hose mine down thoroughly and give it a scrub with a nail brush, using an old toothbrush to get into small cracks and crevises.
  6. Caryl


    Well done. If you don't ask you don't get! :bounce:
  7. Some of you may know we set up a 3ft tank for my son Gareth and his partner Dena. They live in Christchurch. It was a combined birthday present for them both and her dad made the cabinet and we supplied the tank and equipment. Gareth and Dena chose the fish. As you may notice, the tank is against a hole in the wall between the lounge and kitchen so has a bench behind it (it also explains the electric jug in the background) The tank was set up in June (already cycled the Jebo 819 on my tank) and stocked immediately. Thursday he emailed to say the angels had laid eggs (they hadn't noticed) and were now guarding wrigglers. I warned him they would not last as the other fish would eat them but they were still alive and being looked after on Saturday. He said they watch the fry drop to the bottom and the parents pick them up and spit them back onto the leaf. It will be interesting to see how many (if any) survive. They have had one death since setting up. Here is what happened - in Gareth's own words... "I forgot to tell you the other day, when we got those hengelli rasboras from Redwoods there was a single random fish in with them. I think it was a glowlight tetra or something like that. Either way, it was given to us when the guy scooped up the hengellis. The other day I went to make my lunch and there was something on the bench that looked like a leaf and I went to brush it away and it's eyes caught the light and I realised that it was that fish and somehow it had jumped out of the back of the tank (which is a very small gap) and rather than falling on the floor behind the tank it somehow managed to get over all the plugs that are there and flip-flopped all the way over towards the kitchen floor. No idea how it got that far but it's the first fish to die and it looks like suicide (or maybe he was pushed) rather than natural causes. All the bloody old neons from the old tank are still going amazingly enough."
  8. Caryl

    Bog Wood

    I just wash and scrub mine.
  9. Good luck to you all. I know mention has been made of getting the Hutt club out of recess so I am pleased to see you have finally made the plunge. :bounce:
  10. Caryl

    bare tank

    You also need to fix the cause of the white spot outbreak or it will return.
  11. My son just rang me from ChCh to say they have discovered lots of angel dry clinging to a leaf. They know they won't survive but are enjoying them while they last.
  12. You could fill all the entry tanks on your own billaney! :lol: You will have to put up shelves to hold all the trophies
  13. Caryl

    bare tank

    They will be upset a little. If you want to give it a really good clean I would remove the gravel (cysts will be in there). Boil it to get it clean. In the meantime put back a few logs or decorations for the fish to hide in. This assumes you haven't got an UGF. Bare bottom is just that - NO gravel.
  14. Yes I am kidding but now I think about it... :lol:
  15. There is a theory that temperature has an affect on sex ratio.
  16. Don't forget Wairarapa are also having a Livebearer only Show Labour Weekend (Oct 21 - 22 I think) this year. Details are in the August Aquarium World (just finished printing) You could scoop the prizes at both!! :bounce:
  17. I currently have an extra filter hanging off my lounge tank cycling it for someone who is having a new tank built. This way works well. Make sure the fish loads are similar.
  18. Sorry I have no idea but wondered if kribs can get egg bound?
  19. Do you get any direct sunlight on the tank? You know how curtains and carpet fade in the sun... :lol:
  20. I doubt the peas are to blame unless you did not remove the uneaten remains. No other ideas at the moment sorry caper.
  21. I did it like this... 1. Fill 4ft tank with rocks and water. Start filtration 2. Add 4 goldfish about 5 - 8cm each 3. Leave in tank 4 - 6 weeks. 4. Add heaterstat (previously checked to make sure it is set at correct temperature 5. Once water has reached correct temperature, remove goldfish (to outside pond in this case, as it was summer) 6. Add lots of juvenile cichlids (all were about 4 - 6cm) all together
  22. Caryl

    oscar sulking

    A common behaviour with oscars. Apart from trying to tempt him with different food, wait until he gets over it on his own. Have you tried banana?
  23. Caryl


    I would think local vets would have the right sort of instrument to pull it out of the mouth.
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