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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Hi All

    Welcome corms. We have a few Aussies in here now and it is always interesting to see who can, or can't, get what on either side of the Tasman.
  2. Fish always claim they are starving! DO NOT BELIEVE THEM!! :lol:
  3. Very nice antwan. Well done
  4. Why are you using Cycle regularly? (asks she who has never used it at all)
  5. The ballcock is working well and water holding. Waterfall not turned on yet as pump is so powerful it forces the water through the filter media, which bunches up at one end, and blasts the opposite end of the plastic container to make a very loud drumming noise. We need to add a pipe with holes in it to dissipate the water force. Emptied out the small pond (which had 50 small goldfish fry in it) and added these fish to the big pond. They promptly disappeared in the vastness (they are only 2 or 3cm long). If I poke at the plants I can see them moving in there. Added several more clumps of oxygen weed today. I have had it growing in tubs in the temporary pond. Added several containers of lilies but of course at this time of year they are dead looking lumps :roll: . Once the shops start getting in pond plants (a bit early yet) I will have to make a trip to ChCh to select some variety. Pics will be added once the plants look like they are actually doing something. 8)
  6. Heated towel rails use a lot of electricity. Not a cheap option.
  7. She is the one I mentioned above and she is still providing the service. Don't know why she doesn't keep posting here but she keeps sending me newsletters and I don't know why since I don't even live in the North Island! :roll:
  8. I shouldn't think so 8)
  9. I have pearl gouramis thank you :lol: and hoplo cats. Don't like the geophagus :roll: Knife fish are a good idea. Not sure about clown loaches though as they are fussy about water conditions and I am not fussy about cleaning tanks :lol:
  10. Because this sort of information changes all the time and isn't the same countrywide either.
  11. I was going to upgrade my 4ft African to a 6ft but have gone off the idea of Africans (anyone want lots of electric yellows? :roll: ) Am thinking a 6ft planted tank would look much nicer but I want some reasonable sized fish in it that won't destroy the plants. Any ideas? I DO NOT WANT DISCUS. I prefer fish that move I like blue acaras but have not seen any decent ones around for years. The only ones I have seen have been pale compared to the ones I used to have.
  12. I keep getting annoying newsletters from the North Island Pet Courier but it has the information you require... NORTH ISLAND PET COURIER NEXT RUN My next run will be the 6th to 9th September, Route: Hamilton - Akld - Tauranga - Rotorua - Taupo - Napier- Masterton. Masterton - Wellington - Palmerston - Wanganui - Taumuranui - Otorohanga - Hamilton - Auckland. I am considering doing a northland run in the near future, this will be from Akld to Kiataia back to Akld, to work in with my Akld to Wellington run it will mean a full day prior to my run to Wellington, I would appreciate your feedback as it would have to be viable for me to do this, so please email me your thoughts. TRADEME PURCHASES If you have purchased a pet of trademe please ensure payment for the pet has been made before I pickup. PRICE RISE Unfortunately I have had to increase my prices a wee bit due to fuel still increasing, sad I know, most of you will understand but please be assured I do keep my prices as low as I can. Finally I would like to thank you all for your support and hope to see you all again soon. Karyn McLauchlan North Island Pet Courier Ph 078737061 0273321991
  13. Don't forget FNZAS Life Member and Grade A judge, John Sutton lives in Nelson now too We can have interclub competitions! :lol: I hope you decide to affiliate with the FNZAS. 8)
  14. PM me your name and address and I will send you some
  15. Not sure what they are but I get them in my daphnia tanks. They are not daphnia. The fish will eat them whatever they are
  16. It could also be stress and the fish is overproducing a slime coat and it is this that is peeling off. A pic would be helpful.
  17. An 80 - 85 is still too small for a plec. How did you cycle the tank?
  18. Hi James and welcome. First questions... 1. What size is the tank? 2. Did you "cycle" it before adding all those fish? Unless your tank is at least 4ft x 2ft x 2ft you will need to get rid of the plecs as they grow over to 2ft. If your tank has plants they won't last long as the plecs will uproot them. Rams need a well matured tank I believe and very good water quality. The rams aren't that big so I am sure you can get a pellet or 2 near the corys before the rams eat all of them. UGFs just need siphoning over the gravel when you do your regular water changes. Make sure you have enough substrate over the UGF for the plants to grow. You need about 5cm.
  19. I wish I had a leprechaun to take great pics for me like that
  20. Caryl

    Oh No!!

    Why lift the tank? Jack the house up at the lower end - easy peasy :lol:
  21. YAHOO!! At last Marlborough will have a club close enough for a club visit! :lol: What are you going to call yourselves? What about Golden Bay Hobbyists? That way you can be GBH :lol: (grievous bodily harm for those who are unfamiliar with police jargon)
  22. a lot of aquarium plants are sold in garden centres Baby tears (Bacopa) immediately springs to mind.
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