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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. No worries. Discus keepers often do daily water changes of this size all the time.
  2. If you mean will it cause a cycle in the stable tank - then no. If the tank has been set up and running with fish etc for some time then it will be fully cycled. A filter is not a necessity but very helpful. All it will do is create bacteria in the new filter which, once established, can then be moved to a new tank.
  3. I don't know much about your method as I have never tried it. I cycle new tanks by adding the new filter to an old tank for a few weeks.
  4. Are you doing a fishless cycle? http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/cycling.htm
  5. I agree with all that's been said. We often go away up to a week and just leave the community fish. Our bigger cichlids need feeding once or twice during this time and we put the right amount into labelled pill bottles for the neighbour to empty in as required.
  6. Sorry to hear that Mitch. Your club has lost a valued member. My condolences to the club and Val's family. She will be sadly missed.
  7. Sorry to hear that wok. I know it was done with the rest! I got one returned today (not yours) with a sticker saying "Insufficient postage". I had forgotten to put the stamp on it :oops:
  8. Why have you got a clown loach in an African tank? Clowns prefer acid to neutral pH while the Africans like it very alkaline. I have never had to treat fish for whitespot so will leave that to someone else who has to advise you. Whitespot is most likely caused by stress. I would remove the clown and treat it separately - they need half dose meds I believe.
  9. Caryl

    hello from Auck

    If angels have grown up together they are usually all right. A bottom feeder or 2 would be good. I recommend Ancistrus sp. (bristlenosed catfish) or a trio of corydoras.
  10. Caryl

    hello from Auck

    Hi Souxsi, You username is familiar. I am sure I have seen it somewhere else 8) Get the angels. Don't forget the tank will have to cycle properly (sitting with just water and plants in it for 4 weeks does not mean it has cycled) so don't go adding lots at once. My angels are with rummy nose tetras and other small tetras with no problems.
  11. I think I saw one at Redwoods in ChCh.
  12. I saw that Mythbusters too. Many fish recognise their owners, no matter what they are wearing, and can differentiate between them and other people.
  13. Thank you all and thank you to those who contributed. The more who do so - the easier it makes my job - and I don't whinge quite so much. Billaney, I suggest you read the excellent article on photographing fish. You might learn something Nice to hear Wgtn got theirs, they are often the last to get them for some reason. :roll:
  14. The Aquarium World magazine is free to all members of affiliated clubs. So, you either join a club, or subscribe. Often cheaper to join a club Subscription is $21.80 for 4 magazines (it is a quarterly publication Feb, May, Aug & Nov) 40 pages, A5 size, full colour. Subscriptions go to If you subscribe, send me a PM when you have paid so I can check Janey got the money then you will be added to my mailing list. Click on the FNZAS logo top left of the page to go to the Home Page which has a place to click for a list of affiliated clubs in NZ and their contact people. If you do not get a reply from a club, please let me know so I can kick A** :lol:
  15. Why do you guys always get yours so fast? I think you are first every time and they all get posted together. You must have a really keen postie! :lol:
  16. I am pleased to report the Aquarium World magazines were posted this morning, along with the Year Book. Membership cards will be sent to all club secretaries for distribution ASAP. I have them ready to send to Janey who then has the exciting job of filling them out. :-? To let you know a bit of what's in the August issue; Peter Cottle talks about his trip up the Jorai River in Bengal to catch wild danios. Learn a bit about blind cave tetras and the plant red lobelia. There is a conference report, complete with pics, and Paul Billaney gives us a few tips on how to photograph fish. For the salties, we learn about Acropora lianae and harvesting wild banggai cardinalfish. Check out the jobs you should be doing to get your pond ready for spring and summer and find out how to treat fish ulcers. There are other articles as well so look out for your magazine, coming to your letterbox soon!
  17. My electric yellow (Labidochromis caeruleus) keeps dropping fry but some of them aren't like the others. Is this common or is someone else getting in on the act? Sorry about the poor pic but the glass on this tank is badly scratched. See the back one is bright yellow, like the majority, but the front one seems to have stripes. The other fish in the tank are C borleyi, possibly A jacobfriebergi and this little brown striped fish.. I assume this fish is a female something but have not seen signs of her holding or tring to get out of anyone's way (or not eating).
  18. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/kids ... nfish.html
  19. If you look at waterfalls in nature you will see they have algae growing on them too.
  20. It refers to the bubbles coming off the plants when CO2 is used.
  21. Java fern and water wisteria.
  22. Hi Swede. Good luck with the tank hunt.
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