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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Where in ChCh? Do you have transport? Some good shops there (although I assume you will be too late to see them) and a number of CTT members worth visiting. You can also wander the CD now they have removed the cordon.
  2. 40ppm is often our tap water.
  3. Caryl

    My Tangs

    You have that lovely tank to look at and you are bored????
  4. I think it is more a case of Mrs Brown's Boys being full of very old jokes. Us older ones have heard most of them before but it is the timing and delivery that makes them funny. I also love the non professional look of it all - as people break character, ad lib, try to make the others laugh, upset the cameramen and generally have fun. Nothing slick about it at all so it is refreshing in that respect.
  5. There is a goldfish calculator here And some more information regarding waste produced here
  6. Welcome to The Fishroom. You are not alone in your addiction :roll:
  7. This is different! and he has a large fish tattooed on his right arm
  8. You want hilarity... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTmuteEFQjs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCPGcNKBKwo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLFGvuhJlUI
  9. They don't have a head for it? 8)
  10. Might encourage membership 8)
  11. It isn't contagious as it is caused by the body's internal organs failing but more than one might get it if caused by the water conditions (usually the culprit). I had a single danio get dropsy in my main tank. No other fish was affected and I did not do anything about the water either as it was a single fish so I wondered if it was old and that was the reason for the organ failure.
  12. You could always start a new club, or change the name to something like Auckland Baked Fish Society :gigl:
  13. Not the person who got the mouth full Ira!
  14. It has been so calm here with patches of blue sky. Snow around the distant hills, as one would expect in winter, but nothing more. On this cold, but not wet, day I went swimming with friends then we lunched. I am now going to curl up by the fire with a book and every so often attempt to add another piece to the jigsaw. Between my eyesight and the poor quality of the puzzle it is hard to tell if the right piece is in the right place so I suspect it will never get finished!
  15. Rockpools are great. Your biggest problem will be keeping it cold enough in summer. I would not recommend you setting one up without a chiller (hard to think about now I know :-? ) I had a 3ft running for a couple of years (until I got sick of trying to keep the temp down. Hard to keep it below 15C when the room sat at 28+C) and it was very interesting. I just had the tank, an AquaClear filter and nothing else. I gathered all the rocks, water and critters from the coast.
  16. My email is listed at the bottom of my posts, next to the PM button is it not? Once I get my reader back (my mum has it at the moment) I can return the favour. :thup:
  17. Caryl

    Hi there :)

    Hi and welcome. Just to clarify, joining this forum does not make you a member of the FNZAS. To do that, you must join an affiliated club
  18. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Congratulations. What sort of jobbie?
  19. I can't read tablets outside as you can't see the screen so much prefer a proper e-reader.
  20. The tank will not cycle just by letting it sit empty a few days. You need a food source (fish waste for a fish-in cycle, or pure ammonia if you do a fishless cycle) for the bacteria to feed on and grow. IMO there is nothing cruel about using fish to cycle if you use a few and go slowly. 6 danios in there for a month would do it. Then add more fish slowly over time. What other fish, apart from angels, did you have in mind?
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