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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Just keep the water conditions as good as you can and keep an eye out for fungus or other secondary infections. He probably caught himself on a sharp rock or something. Can you see anything he may have scraped against?
  2. We don't mind missing the reading of the previous Minutes etc etc etc
  3. The fish are underwater so the onions would not make them cry.
  4. The filter wool be ok but will clog quickly which is why the sponges are better. I sat the noodles on the bottom and a sponge on top.
  5. I don't think the carbon negates the peat and may help the tint a little. Having never done it I don't know how long it takes for the peat etc to kick in.
  6. Buy him a shaving kit for his birthday
  7. Grant and I have booked the ferry but might be a bit late depending on who we believe on how long it takes to get from Wgtn to Turangi (and whether the MX5 slips under the speed cameras). Ferry leaves 5.45am and arrives at 9am (assuming it is on time). We have been assured we can make it in 4 hours.
  8. We are definitely coming and have booked the MX5 on the ferry. Thanks to Helen and spidersweb for the bed on Sunday. Hope to visit a few in Wgtn if there is time as we go home late Monday. We plan to visit the Egyptian Exhibition at Te Papa.
  9. Sometimes I put 2 small sponges in mine and sometimes I use half sponge half noodles.
  10. No, it was a male who thought something measured a lot bigger than it really was
  11. Caryl

    CW Temp

    Ours gets to 28 - 32 in summer 8) Use Slikka pads (those things to cool chilly bins) or freeze 2 or 3L bottles of water and float them in the tank. Turn the lights off when possible and, if the fish are not kamikazis, remove the lid. Blow the fan air across the water surface.
  12. You can obviously run fast :lol:
  13. Welcome Vtec8u. The Wairarapa club meets on the 1st Thursday of each month (except January) 7.30pm at Dave Anderson Motorcycles in Queen St. Masterton. How did you miss the Livebearer Show they had on recently?? It was in the newspapers and well advertised. Hobbyists attended from far and wide.
  14. Various photo editing programmes will do border for you evil. I think the key to Hazara's quality in the pics is the amount of light he uses.
  15. What size is the tank with the shark and plecs? Over 4ft I hope. Guppies are always pregnant (unless they are males) and the fry easy to raise, assuming they are not eaten first. Lots of plants, fine leaved and floating, will give them hiding places. They will eat finely crushed flake food. What size is the new tank too?
  16. If the fish are used to that pH I would leave it alone. Better to be wrong but stable than fluctuating as you try and lower it. The pH Down is not good to use in my opinion as it is only temporary due to buffering effects in the water. Driftwood will lower pH as will peat in the filter (put it in a fine mesh bag or old pantyhose) and lots of plants.
  17. Well it had better be on now cos Grant and I are booked on the ferry! :lol: Spidersweb I will PM you re your bed offer as we would appreciate one on Sunday night on the way home if possible please.
  18. Thanks spider, will keep that in mind. Thank you for the offer. All will depend on ferry availability times and what time the exec meeting starts.
  19. Hmmm perhaps I could start it off with the extract while the bale kicks in. My pond is around 6,500L so would be expensive to keep adding extract.
  20. Just looking into ferry times and costs to drive up.
  21. Anyone in Wgtn travelling up to FNZAS exec meeting or molly hunt and have room for 2 more? If not, we might book MX5 on ferry
  22. Caryl

    Neons M.I.A

    I'd put it down to hungry angels or poor quality neons.
  23. Where can one find the extract fishboi? How much in a bottle, to treat how many litres and do you know the cost? Does the extract work as well as the bale?
  24. If you died there would be no point giving you the mollies! :roll: If you have spare funding feel free to send it to us
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