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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. To me it looks like blood under the skin (scales, whatever) indicating internal bleeding. Possible parasites? 10 years is young for a pond goldfish and that is very small for a 10 year old fish. They can live over 35 years.
  2. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder, so yes, separate the boys from the girls. It may not make them fonder but they sure will be keen! :lol:
  3. I too have seen similar tanks here but not that brand particularly. Have a look around or Google NZ
  4. Green water is exactly that. Put a container outside, fill with water and keep in the sun and it will go green. The green is microscopic greeblies fry will freed on.
  5. Caryl

    ph up

    Don't use the stuff. It is only temporary depending on the buffering in the tank and will more likely result in huge pH swings. Why do you want to alter the pH? What is it, and what do you want it to be? There are more natural and longer lasting ways than those products. Besides, read the label. I think pH Up is just an expensive way of buying baking soda
  6. We are South Island and going Jared. Whether we can keep some alive long enough to get them to you I don't know but can try. We will be in ChCh mid March to pick up our new 4WD. In between we will be overseas so someone else will be living in the house and feeding the fish.
  7. Zev you just described the average cat :lol:
  8. I assure you, he won't be the only wet and muddy one there! Maybe the smallest though That's what changes of clothing are for.
  9. Of course you are farmchick. The more the merrier! 8)
  10. Yeah I have never come across an unfriendly one either :-? Great pics.
  11. I don't want any either Shiuh. I am going for the fun of it (and it was an excuse to justify the expense of attending an exec meeting, which I don't usually manage to do). Will be taking heaps of pics I assure you! The February Aquarium World is also on hold so I can add a report on the Molly Hunt (and the exec meeting if there's room) before it goes to print
  12. The fluffy bits would tickle the fish or coral's fancy I reckon I would ask at a vet's.
  13. We will be able to bring fish back through Wgtn too (assuming someone catches any). Shelzie bring your son with you. We will take turns fishing him out whenever he falls in RULE 1: No shoving anyone in until after the fish have been caught! We don't want them scared off and the water any murkier than it already is.
  14. Can you hitch a ride with someone and come too?
  15. Did we get our fish from you? It is me by the way (MX5er).
  16. No. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Going to be hard to push me in if you can't find me :lol:
  17. Me 'N' Grant will be there as we have the exec meeting first.
  18. Totally uncalled for evil. As for posting pics, many people still have trouble understanding, even after they have read the sticky and had things explained. OOA if you cannot work out how to post pics, email them to me and I will do it for you.
  19. But it was an interesting path. We learned more than just going straight from A to B
  20. I found somewhere that recommended 1ml H202 per 50g but that was for marine. Check out this site. Lots of reading! http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bgacont4.htm
  21. Auckland to Tauranga at this time of year won't need heat packs
  22. I would like to point out I do not dislike the tank, just he asked for feedback. If he likes it how it is he should leave it like that! 8)
  23. But the higher temperature is for a short time only until the tide floods the pool again with really cold water. They do not cope with prolonged higher temperatures.
  24. You shouldn't be dumping tank water down the sink. Give it to your plants (both indoor and out)! They love it.
  25. OK, ummm... Next time remove the algae scraper before you take the pic :lol: Although there is nothing basically wrong with the tank, it lacks focus. There should be one thing that draws attention to the tank and I can't see anything that does this. Possibly the little Easter Island guy does it in real life but doesn't so much in the pic? Photographs can be deceiving. It doesn't look like you have a backing sheet on the tank. This would help plus would hide some cords. You have a tall plant in the middle but nothing totally hiding the equipment on the right. Any chance of rearranging them a bit to cover them, or getting more plant in that back corner? Is the gravel sloping from the back to the front? It should be higher at the back to give more of a sense of depth. Again, it may be just the way the pic was taken but it looks a bit flat. Whatever you do the plecs will rearrange it anyway :lol: Howzat?? :bounce:
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