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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Tell her you need to go so we can follow you home Come to think of it, that might put her off :lol:
  2. and here's me thinkin' it was Irish cannabis :lol:
  3. The late, great MISTY and always liked to help Grant repair or build the computers
  4. I will have to see if I can find one
  5. Looking good. What is the plant?
  6. Happy Birthday Fay. If you think your day sucked, think how the poor fish felt
  7. That's what happens when you live in a small backward area In Blenheim we can ring and ask for pick-up.
  8. There are thousands of them. Catching them is the tricky bit. The water is clear as mud and the mollies are very zippy.
  9. Caryl

    Fantastic place

    Hi and welcome. I think someone is trying to get a Whangarei club off the ground
  10. Caryl

    Hi from Wgtn

    Hi Sam It is a good parent/child hobby to get into as the whole family can get involved. It is also a good hobby to help with science projects for the school Science Fairs
  11. Many thanks Sorry Rozski, went a little off topic for a minute :oops:
  12. Thanks for that. In that case ignore my email!! :lol: Was the book in good condition? She said it was. If it looks OK to you I will post her feedback.
  13. Is he doing this before or after picking up my book? :lol: Busy boy.
  14. Don't forget the candles and Barry White CDs
  15. How much room do you have left to get around in the house?? 8)
  16. Caryl

    Tank update

    Very nice but I suggest you move the heaterstat as low as possible and hopefully out of sight.
  17. Oops :oops: I didn't see the profile and you aren't the person I thought you were - who IS a Jim :lol:
  18. Caryl

    Help me!!!!

    A few days won't hurt them.
  19. It has been there a few years now. Very small but excellent quality fish and more than the usual species often on offer. They also have a good range of carnivorous plants.
  20. Welcome. Redwoods is fine but my favourite is Organism, corner Ilam & Clyde Rds. Check out Critter Kingdom (stanmore Rd & Blenheim Rd) and Pet World 475 Ferry Rd. No harm in looking 8)
  21. My new 4WD is on its way from Japan. It is plae blue and sliver which Jude said was a bad choice as it wouldn't show up under water :lol:
  22. Thanks Fishy_Lips. I could kiss you - but don't worry, I won't :lol:
  23. Most definitely :lol: What about TV crews too? Don't want to do things by half. I have also emailed you re the book pickup details thanks.
  24. Trophy? You supplying a trophy? I will be happy to take it off you.
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