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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Good to hear all moved safe and sound Errol. Looking forward to seeing the new fish room. Sorry I missed the meeting
  2. I would be concerned if it is one fish and not the others. Perhaps the pink is blood and it has an internal problem Is it new food and what sort?
  3. Poo can change colour depending on what the fish are being fed - esp if they are eating colour enhancing foods.
  4. Caryl

    My bristle noses

    Are they actually getting the food though? My males try to chase the females away from the food.
  5. Not wood. They made plastic pipes to go over it all. There are pics of it back in my pond thread. It still has a minor leak around one of the poles so we put a ballcock in 8)
  6. No I didn't. The problems arose when the builders tried to concrete around a post and found they couldn't seal it fully. Painting the pond with sealant worked excellently. Can't remember what the stuff was called but it had a rubbery feel to it when freshly painted on then it set.
  7. South America - Rio de Janeiro to Uruguay and Paraguay
  8. I haven't found leopardfish or wcmms particularly bad at eating fry, their own or each others :-?
  9. Caryl

    gravel vacuuming

    I gravel vac when I do a waterchage too - every 3 months or so.
  10. Sometimes there is no need to say no
  11. Of course it's a good thing! :lol: You have to ask????
  12. Caryl

    pond questions

    Very sensible suggestion jn. Besides which, digging the hole for the bath will be easier once the ground has thawed Only just started having frosts here, minor ones at that. Very mild winter so far
  13. Caryl

    pond questions

    The black does heat the water up so you have to be careful where you site it. Be careful of the containers from Payless Plastics. They are good for short term but not designed for outdoor use. They will go brittle in the sun after a couple of years. Pond liners do not generally get holes in them unless you have cats digging claws in or you drop sharp stones into the pond.
  14. Alan got some good pics of his (I think it was him). Not common, but it does happen.
  15. You DO need a chiller, depending on where you live, if you want a rockpool marine tank.
  16. Caryl


    We did wok. It was ongoing and a last minute decision just before we flew out. Since we had been dealing with them and been impressed with the service we thought we could trust them to post out the goods when completed. They were also Govt. approved.
  17. Department of conversation??? :lol:
  18. Caryl


    Are you anywhere near Nathan Rd fishboi? I was ripped off by a trader there and am waiting for the authorities to get to him. Want to visit a merchant with some heavies in tow to get my goods for me? :lol:
  19. Sorry 4sticks we are just teasing you The spelling of angel to angle is so common but it always makes me laugh. I try to double check whenever I write it to make sure I have it right (no pun intended - right angle geddit? :lol: ) or I would never hear the end of it. I had not heard anyone say white fish may be blind. I know a lot of white cats are deaf but not all of them.
  20. Caryl

    Hello at last

    Welcome to the fishroom. Good to hear you are getting things sorted.
  21. I presume you mean, do white angelfish go blind or lose their sight? - No
  22. Caryl

    Fish dying

    What size is the tank (dimensions?). 54L is not very big for goldfish as they grow and produce a lot of waste. Monthly water changes would not be enough for these fish. I suspect water quality is the problem.
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