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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. It is said that breaking the ice hurts the fish. Many suggest floating a ball or something in the pond so when you remove it they have a breathing hole. As noted, my pond has decks overhanging each end so underneath the water is not frozen at those points.
  2. Caryl

    changeing clothes

    Fish like to blend in with their surroundings so will change colour depending on surroundings. This is why it is suggested you use a darker, rather than light, substrate as the fish show their colours more. Against a pale substrate they tend to look washed out all the time as they try to blend in so they can't be seen by prey from above.
  3. Not anywhere thick enough to ice skate on here We were watching the fish swim under the ice this morning.
  4. Caryl


    If he is near you he shouldn't be feeding them at all at this time of year. Putting them in a separate tank and warming them slowly is all I can think of at the moment
  5. Caryl


    A complete water change? Uh oh. There could be a number of reasons for the problem then including temp change (though doubtful if it was rainwater) or a sudden pH change.
  6. Caryl


    Another possibility is there is too much rubbish in the bottom of the tub and with winter, it is releasing toxins into the water. Was it cleaned before winter?
  7. Caryl


    Where abouts is it? Goldfish semi hibernate in winter and once the temperature drops below 10C their digestive systems stop working. If they have eaten anything they may be having digestive problems. Do they have a spare container they can put the goldfish in and bring their temperature up a bit (to more than 10C)?
  8. Methinks Organism will have to move to bigger premises to make room for all those with nothing better to do than hang around there as often as possible :lol:
  9. The big pond (over 30m long) has stayed frozen all day for 2 days now. The 2 ends under the overhanging decks are not frozen of course. The ice on the small pond is 12mm thick at 5pm. The birdbath is still frozen solid The grass has not defrosted either Big pond ice is not so thick though
  10. Welcome to the fishroom. It is good to have a goal in life to aim for
  11. Have a look here http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/postin ... t4307.html you need to have an online host like Photobucket as you can't link to pics on your PC.
  12. We will be in ChCh that weekend for my son's housewarming. Hmm perhaps we ought to hold the meeting at his place?? :lol: I am sure we can leave the party to join in with you guys.
  13. Without looking up water requirements (so not sure if they are compatible with gouramis) I would suggest various rainbows.
  14. We had a club member who bred wcmms in large numbers several years ago. He had both tropical and cold set-ups for them. He always maintained the tropical ones were more highly coloured and bred more than those in cold water. Odd since, as mentioned, they come from very cold waters originally.
  15. Do not add Ammolock or other chemicals either as it stuffs up your test readings (and slow the cycle).
  16. It is believed temperature does play a part in determining sex ratio but I can't remember which way gives which sex.
  17. So are you sure you haven't been sold noodles? :lol:
  18. I would prefer to see such fish in a longer tank, especially the silver sharks as they need length to swim.
  19. I would be concerned the big male would attack any newcomers. This will depend on individual fish though and yours might be placid.
  20. Caryl

    out door ponds

    If you surround the pond with flat rocks that wobble when the cats stand on them they will be less incined to try fishing Herons are a major problem, as are kingfishers. 60cm would be good enough to combat the heat.
  21. It is possibly ammonia burn from the spike you had.
  22. Caryl

    Dying Kribs

    Have you got a stroppy male in there attacking them?
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