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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. It is too late to get anything added to the list. The FNZAS tried very hard to do this and asked for participation and help from fish keepers but got very little response from all but a few.
  2. We got a personal behind-the-scenes tour on Monday Ya gotta know the right people :lol: Trip went well thanks Loopy. Smooth crossing again for once.
  3. The conch needs a bigger tank for his shark :lol:
  4. Try your Drs surgery. I get lots from there, especially this time of year when we get the flu vaccines in I have a number of poly boxes here I could have passed on when we headed north at the weekend Heat packs can be got from sports shops. I use a plastic fizz bottle filled with hot water and wrapped in newspaper or a towel.
  5. I cut the cucumber into 2cm thick slices and thread them on to a plastic knitting needle. The needle is weighted down with a fishing sinker.
  6. I have had bristlenoses survive 2 hours out of the tank when I stripped it. Didn't notice them in the plant :roll:
  7. I would have said a bad fungus infection but I know of no fungus that is hard. I would be doing a series of water changes in case poor water quality is the cause (as it is in 99% of cases). Have you done any water tests? Is it another wcmm or one of the other fish? I would be quarantining the minnows if both have the same symptoms.
  8. It is always funny when it has happened to someone else. Pics would have been even better :lol:
  9. Caryl

    Fish dying

    How big is the tank and what size is the fish? Do you have filtration? Do you do regular water changes? Sounds like poor water conditions.
  10. The live plants need the 10 - 12 hours continual light to photosynthesise properly.
  11. A lot depends on where you live as different areas have different amounts of chlorine. We are lucky where I live as there is no chlorine in the water so I do not add anything to the water and don't worry too much about the temperature either. Some fish are more sensitive to such things than others. Fishless cycling is big overseas at the moment and seems to be the latest fad. It is hoped to save the poor fish when people go to their lfs and go home with a tank and chemicals in one hand and a bag of fish in the other and told to just add the water, plug in the heaterstat and add the fish :roll: Using fish to cycle a tank is perfectly acceptable, when done properly, but too many people are impatient to add more fish too quickly and then wonder why their fish die, they get white spot outbreaks, and their water goes green.
  12. I will be interested to see how my Jebos last compared to my Fluvals as I prefer the Jebo performance and they are quieter. A lot easier to do maintenance on them and get them restarted too. Mine have been running just over 12 months now so not very long.
  13. As everyone has said - brilliant conference and well done HBAS! I loved the passport idea and congratulations zev for doing such a good job with them. I will be resizing and uploading photos later today/this evening, when I have time. Went straight to bed last night as very tired but good trip home. Meeting AMAZONIAN halfway betweeen here and Nelson today to hand over killifish. I promise not to eat your cheese Loopy :lol: Afrikan I hope you have dealt severely with that power crazy border guard! 8)
  14. Caryl

    Hi from Lewis

    Hi and welcome. Love the nick.
  15. Well it has been pointed out to us that we will arrive in Wgtn in rush hour with everyone leaving town for the long weekend :-? Loopy's railcar is running to time so far so we should make the ferry in time too (where's the figers crossed smiley?) :roll: I have been to the bakery and got lots of food to eat on the way so minimum stops, except for a pee. See you soon!
  16. Yes quite a few times the subject has come up. People have commented when 'cold water' guppies have been offered on Trademe too. The guy will claim he is right though. :roll: Anything below 16 - 18C and those guppies will be in trouble.
  17. With no fish in the tank the bacteria will be dying and that would be the source of the ammonia?
  18. I hope it is not a dyed variety
  19. You should see us by about 9pm as we don't arrive in Wgtn until 4.25pm. Hope we get a calm crossing!!! Gavin, the GPS, will be programmed to tell us where to go
  20. Not necessarily even that wilson. Guppies are able to tolerate temperatures cooler than other tropicals. That does not make them coldwater. If you have a well insulated and warm home then they can be kept in a tank without a heaterstat but that does not make them cold water guppies.
  21. Those rockpool shrimps look great with their little red knees :lol:
  22. Caryl would like to welcome tHEcONCH to the fishroom and hopes he enjoys flapping through our pages 8)
  23. You know full well there is no such thing as a cold water guppy! :evil:
  24. Ours has an internal old style thermostat as we had a couple spare, otherwise we would have used an external type.
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