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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    New Fish???

    Depends on the size of the tank. many of the small shoaling fish will go with these but some need to be in groups of 6 or more to stop too much fin nipping. Harlequins, rummy nose tetras, pristellas, cardinals, lemon barbs, small tetras or rasboras. Got any bottom dwellers? Consider some corydoras or bristlenose catfish Ancistrus sp
  2. If I remember correctly, it was a drop in water levels that started off the Dunedin ones spawning.
  3. Thanks for that John I didn't realise. I assumed all opened 9am on Mondays. Will alter times accordingly.
  4. microworms are a bit small for guppy fry really but they will eat them. Little bits and often is the key to feeding fry. As often as you can but not enough each time to leave any uneaten
  5. Japanese rush is not a true aquatic and will rot. Java fern can withstand quite a bit and one of our members also has sprite in the tank with her silver dollars. She also feeds them lots of lettuce daily. This doesn't stop them eating the plants though :roll:
  6. I have one here but found it took up too much space in the tank and I couldn't get it to fit tightly enough along the back to stop fish getting stuck behind it.
  7. Fry will eat finely crushed flake.
  8. Well worth it. I remember one of Dunedin's members breeding them many years ago and her whole family was fascinated in the process. They are a great fish.
  9. Much easier to maintain a tank with real plants in it!
  10. Thanks for that cichlid7. We think we will lunch at La Porchetta as some of our group will be attending the Riccarton Market while we tour the lfs.
  11. My age is showing as I immediately pictured the little puppets from Fraggle Rock :lol:
  12. Note this is a suggestion only and subject to change at a moment's notice :lol: Anyone wanting to join us should text me to find out where we are. Either be at Meadowpark Motorpark, 39 Meadowpark St. Papanui, before we start 9am Sunday (and/or Monday), or join us at other times once you know where we are. If we are near anyone who would like a ride, let me know 021 158 6634 or PM or email before we leave home on Saturday. Sunday: Start from Meadowpark Motorpark 9am Visit Alan Minnery 10am Critter Kingdom, 250 Stanmore Rd 11am Animates, 469 Papanui Rd lunch somewhere handy 1pm Petworld, cnr Ferry Rd and Smith St 2pm Animates, Moorehouse Ave 3pm Animates, Tower Junction 4pm Critter Kingdom, 213 Blenheim Rd 5pm The Water Garden, 297 Blenheim Rd BYO tea/get-together at Sharon & Terry’s, 57a Hoon Hay Rd Monday: 9am Leave Meadowpark for Organism cnr Ilam & Clyde Rds 10.30am Redwood Aquatics, 21 Hussey Rd lunch somewhere handy 1pm Southern Encounter Aquarium & Kiwi House Cathedral Square Entry fee: Adult $14, Child $5, Student (with ID) $12, Family (2A & up to 3C) $33 rest of the afternoon for shopping or free time visit Gareth and Dena to see their 3ft tank (if you want & has to be after work) Evening meal: choose on the day. Plenty of options. Tuesday: Morning: collect fish from shops (assuming you are buying some) Lunch somewhere handy Afternoon: Head for Picton. leave 1pm at latest to be in time for ferry.
  13. Please remind your club officers to get your club heading details to me ASAP for the next Year Book. I hate having to add everything at the last minute! I have details from Canterbury, Waikato and NZKA so far. Where's the rest? You must have all had your AGMs by now. Anyone from the Upper Hutt Club - I have nothing on you guys at all. I will need your logo too if you have one. Heading Details required: Club Name Meeting Place Meeting Date Time AGM month Club Fees President, secretary and editor's names Hope you have started sending capitation fees and YB levy into the FNZAS treasurer. Note she has moved!
  14. Ah so he has. I didn't see that bit and thought he was being housed temporarily :oops:
  15. Anyone in the area going to conference or can give him to someone going to conference to pass on to Afrikan?
  16. Surely he is just pulling the plants out? In which case, once he has gone, just replant them. They will come away again.
  17. I'm afraid I will have to put in an apology as we have a prior engagement Someone better take lots of photos!
  18. Change the food. I had the same problem when using bread.
  19. Remember to leave enough height between tanks for net handles etc for maintenance
  20. What hospital and ward? Perhaps we will find the time to visit
  21. They will nibble and some plants cope better than others. What other fish are in there?
  22. So how long has it been since she started siphoning the gravel? I wonder if she has been releasing toxins in the substrate as a result of not having done proper cleaning befoehand.
  23. Clown loaches grow far too big for your tank. They need double what you have. What is the pH of your tap water? Do you have any live plants in the tank? Most recommend 10% a week or 20% a fortnight (which is 2 weeks. I understand 'fortnight' is not a term used in the USA )
  24. If it appears to be happy and is eating etc I would give it some time and see if the tail grows back.
  25. How often is she doing water changes and how is she doing them and cleaning the filter?
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