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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. No, not a beer or advert. This is a shot I took while on holiday. Very pleased with it considering it was on max zoom at the time...
  2. You know when you walk on the beach and little grey bugs scoot out from underfoot? This is one of them... It was about 50mm long
  3. @livingArt :sml1: Season's greetings to all. A bit late as I have been on holiday with no cell phone or internet :dnc1: (didn't miss either of them)
  4. A late welcome from me too (been away with no internet)
  5. By the way, what is an Amercan? :gigl:
  6. For some reason my first thought was Geronihoe :slfg:
  7. Caryl


    I believe it might stand for poor man's dupla drops :bggrn:
  8. Caryl


    Welcome. Some of your fish would enjoy a larger home!
  9. Hi and welcome. I have always found daphnia do not travel well in containers. Others may have some hints to improve the survival rates but when I have tried to transport therm they have died en masse.
  10. Hi and welcome. Good to hear you are learning about maintenance but you also need to do more research on the fish species you have. A RTS is totally unsuitable for such a small tank.
  11. Gorgeous! I bought some cacti last summer and have enjoyed their flowers. It is a pity they do not last long though
  12. I have a complaint! When you put it down, then dump other stuff on top of it, it is hard to find!! :roll:
  13. My copy arrived today :happy1: We pass through Friday morning (I hope) so will try and remember to text ahead and see where you are.
  14. I came home to the following message from Fishpond... Hooray! Today we sent you: * A Photographic Guide to Freshwater Fishes of New Zealand We anticipate delivery between Monday and Wednesday. :happy1: :happy2: :bounce: You need to let me know exactly where you are parked Stella to see if may be close enough to visit when we go to Paton's Rock next week.
  15. Hi and welcome Quite a few here keeping Africans so you are in good company :dnc1:
  16. Just watched Rob Yarrall (FNZAS and Hawkes Bay Aquarium Soc member) explain why it is OK to have fish and chips on the menu at the NZ Aquarium in Napier. According to PETA, it is offensive :facepalm: One of the quiz night attendees wears a PETA T-shirt. When you look closely, you see it says "People Eating Tasty Animals :sml1:
  17. I hope mine arrives before we go on holiday! I might be able to get it signed!!
  18. Dashende's comment reminded me of something that happened to Grant years ago when the microwave dishes were first installed :smot: a bit. He was towing one on a large trailer when he stopped at a settlement along the way. A huge maori guy was sitting outside the dairy and asked what the thing was on the trailer. When Grant told him it was a microwave dish the man giggled, Billy T style, and said "Wow. You must have a bloody big microwave!" :sml2: Agree with Alan, no harm to you from the towers.
  19. Congratulations but where's the pic? :dunno:
  20. I think most birds are far better looking as adults :bggrn:
  21. No specific guppy club but plenty of guppy breeders here. Welcome and I hope you enjoy your time here. 8)
  22. I don't think that was necessary aotealotl. I think some of the replies given here could have been put in a much better way and I am sorry we are losing a member like this.
  23. Get one of those fly zapper things. Zap 'em then drop 'em in
  24. Oxygen weed is easiest. Probably found in nearest waterway.
  25. Beautifully made pits and I like the way the path has been done too. Obviously a lot of work was done! Wish I had known about you when we were in Melbourne as I would have loved to visit and see your snakes.
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