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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I have someone who wants to buy it. We are just trying to work out a fair price 8)
  2. The money is going to a good cause. I do not want to undersell the clump but also don't want to overcharge the buyer!
  3. Welcome. It would help if you added your location to your profile. Also, are you selling commercially? If so, we need to change your status to reflect this.
  4. If I sold the clump of Anubias in the centre of this tank shot what do you think a fair price would be? (And don't say "Whatever someone is willing to pay for it" either thank you). It is probably about 15cm across by 10cm high (I am useless with estimating sizes but it is a 4ft tank.) Selling some of this would be a good way to raise funds for the Hospice tank. Last time I looked in the shops they were selling small pieces of Anubias for $10 - $15.
  5. This one has been seen in action chasing and chomping down on other fish. Anyway, the tank it is in is too small for it so it is being re-homed :thup:
  6. And here is a shot of the tank itself Apparently much enjoyed by patients, staff and visitors (except when they see the shark chomping down another inhabitant!)
  7. Our club (mainly SallyJ) has looked after the Hospice tank for quite a few years now. They called today to say they were having a problem with cannibalism and could I come and have a look? Get there to find someone (and nobody knows who, it just appeared) had added this... Needless to say, it has been munching its way through the inhabitants. There used to be 30+ black widows (although, to be fair, they are all now quite old and some could be natural attrition) but now there's only about 6. There is 1 penguin tetra left and I discovered a Bolivian butterfly ram and this fish which I am embarrassed to say I am not sure what it is. I thought it was a kissing gourami but someone else has suggested a severum To top it all off the nurse said how her favourite was the little one that usually sat on the log. Bristlenose, I thought. No... :roll: So, if anyone knows of someone who wants a silver shark, or gourami/severum let me know or the shark will be whacked on the head :-?
  8. Caryl


    and welcome to the forum. Guppies breed like demented rabbits all the time, not just at the moment Most livebearers will eat their young (and the young of others)
  9. Grant bought a radio... The label on the bottom of the charger says this... :dunno:
  10. I believe Living Art has used acrylic house paint in the past as well as spray enamel. There are also craft paints that are non toxic and water proof.
  11. A fish can also easily disappear that quickly as it will have been eaten by the other inhabitants.
  12. Have a look around the farms in your area. I am sure the farmers won't mind if you ask to look in some water troughs. They are a great place to find all sorts of critters.
  13. I have never used a starter. I put a container outside and fill it with water. Eventually stuff falls in it and daphnia appear. I don't always bother seeding it with green water, or grass. It is said dried blood is good too. The success of this method depends on where you live I suspect.
  14. Sorry to hear that but that is why, if I had a loaded tank, I would have more than one filter working for times like this &c:ry Hope they are able to fix it quickly. In the meantime, water changes!
  15. Well, yes but you didn't say "Where are the goddamn fireworks in this forum" did you?
  16. New year greetings to all. I was awake at midnight but only because it was too hot to sleep. Did not bother going out or watching fireworks. Woken early when Grant got called out.
  17. Sorry to hear that. How many hiding spots do you have? If, as rabbit suggests, it was a dominance issue, you need to make sure there are places for fish to hide if they start on the next smallest BN. I have never had dominance problems with BNs. They will fight over food but never hurt each other.
  18. Is she otherwise acting normally? Females do not have bristles. Some have short spikes around the mouth but others do not. BNs also change colour, get pale, look patchy - all is normal for them.
  19. Yes, the BNs will change colour and patterns. Nothing wrong with them.
  20. If you want to courier it up to us Grant will look at it for you and see if it repairable (no cost to see what it wrong with it) then tell you, depending on age and what's broke, what it will cost to repair and/or if parts are available (if needed). He is an electronics technician and has been repairing such things for around 50 years so knows what he is doing :dnc1: Send to G Simpson, 8a Faulkland Drive, Blenheim, 7201.
  21. No we do not see them here as we have little of the habitat they like here. They are down the Sounds and Pelorus. We get fantails here but not tui and certainly not wood pigeons, or rosellas.
  22. Yes. Don't know. Do a search in the forum & you will find some in past photo competitions.
  23. Grant can probably do it for you as he repairs radio receivers. I will ask when he gets home late tonight. Spent a week in Golden Bay then first day home he gets called out - to Mt Burnett in Golden Bay!
  24. You are quite correct. I was tired when naming some of the pics and got it mixed up with the tui in the rimu. It is, indeed, in flax :smln:
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